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Sithping last won the day on May 30

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About Sithping

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  1. Today's updates include strapping for the biceps and shoulder bells. I'm pleased with the fit and positioning of the straps, and they hold up really well when kitted up for test fit.
  2. Update on the greaves..now fully assembled, primed and painted. Next will be the aging washes for the weathering..
  3. Your build is looking great! Those parts on the left are for reinforcing the top of the back plate where the shoulder straps tuck in. The parts on the right are for housing your snaps and reinforcement inside the biceps. I'm currently building the same kit.
  4. Making progress with the greaves... Got a few more pieces to glue in place before filling and sanding, then I can bash on with the primer and paint. Shims cut to size to fill inside void to make flush for joining both halves, boomerang and sniper plates cut, sanded and trimmed. Rear cover strips fixed in position for the open rear closures. Front greaves fully secured closed sealed with contact adhesive.
  5. Small paint app on the right bicep using yellow cab Montana gold. Info on the position and sizing of the stripes received by shoretrooper fam fb page, source Mr Paul. Additional weathering to follow...
  6. No worries, yep I've been busy working on my Shore 😉
  7. I'm confused? Have you mistakenly posted in wrong thread?
  8. Straight home from work today and hit the biceps with a blast of Sahara beige. Then the right bicep was treated to a splash of colour with Toyota Red. Peeled off the liquid latex to reveal the layered weathering, added a mixture of grey and brown aging spray and allowing to dry. Next will be the yellow stripe detail...
  9. Finally! The biceps are assembled...these bad boys took a bit of work, from the alignment to the trimming and sanding..really glad to get the first coat of primer on them ready for painting and weathering. Cover strips glued in place. Clamps are your friend for this job. Glue area marked and sized for inner bicep with gold pen and chevron for trimming. Secured together with CA Next, 2 part filled the front facing cover strips, then sanded for priming. Primer applied, hung to dry.
  10. Left gauntlet painted with cab yellow and Ford nordic blue...liquid mask was added between layers..will peel when dry...also Halfords matt black lightly sprayed over the blue.
  11. Forearms, the tricky part is now out the way..alignment and sealing them fully closed was a bit of a task, anyway they have been filled, sanded and primed then a first pass with the liquid latex and Sahara beige..this will be followed up with additional paint on the left gauntlet with blue and yellow.
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