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About Utinni534

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  1. So might be better off ordering a new chest and ripping everything apart?
  2. Looking for some advice, have a WTF kit, and this crack happened a couple weeks ago, right on the bottom of the chest plate, so I learned it's about as flexible as hard steel, but looking for some ideas how to fix it
  3. Well, tweaked everything that was mentioned, managed to work around certain parts without needing complete replacement, and first go approved as a Scout, TB 39054 reporting for bike patrol https://dl.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ydya1xbgz6oucr12vhzg5/received_444395228433459.jpeg?rlkey=p64m3gbr7g0ktv92m8cbze4bx&dl=0
  4. I'm pretty sure my haunted house name would be the house of drill bits lol, im sure I've got one somewhere, was hoping to avoid having to drill again but I guess it's probably the easiest option
  5. Okay, crazy idea, would I be able to get away with bending a piece or leftover plastic into the space left over in the holster and gluing it in place? Probably have to fill and paint and blah blah blah to get it to work but just trying to spitball ideas that don't involve buying a new pair of boots
  6. The amount of headaches this thing keeps giving me I almost want to just let it go
  7. Holster also came pre assembled, most of the work has been done at an armor party but unfortunately I don't have many scouts up my way, I'll post a better picture of the holster when I get home but it's already riveted in place, yellow portion is glue, I think I'll have to drill out the tank topper since it's also riveted in and swap for the Walt one, which is gonna be another pain since it's already secured onto the back and it came with an additional strip with glue onto the back
  8. I still do have the tank topper from the Walt kit, only pain then would be taking that one off since it's been glued in for a long time
  9. Main issue with colour difference, im colorblind lol, well red/green colorblind but similar colors all blend together for me, I had used the rank bars and pin striping off a Walt kit, and the tank came from Kropserkel when I messed up the original
  10. The bund I completely screwed up and put everything on the opposite sides of what it should have been, normally not a problem but Keep Trooping sews a velcro patch and a size tag right into the pattern so if I ripped that out then I'd have to re sew the whole vertical pattern
  11. And here's the pin striping
  12. Yeah it was quite a bit of eyeballing, I'll get a better picture to see if that will help, the boot isn't totally accurate but you can see into the front of it quite a bit when it's on, topper came pre attached to the tank
  13. Sort of, bought a replacement tank, not perfect but it's much better
  14. Okay, been a while since I posted, been making progress in the background, unfortunately I'll have to completely redo the cummerbund since I sewed the velcro and pouches on the wrong side, and gotta work on the belt, but its getting there, have an issue with the holster, the front of it has a big gap between the boot and the holster when worn, would judt gluing a spare piece of plastic work to fix that?
  15. Yeah I realized that after I glued it on, might see if I can play with it a bit with a file instead of having to bust out the dremel again
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