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501st Pathfinder
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Valafar last won the day on December 21 2024

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About Valafar

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  1. GA is not known for having highly accurate files. I haven't looked at the armor files that much, but the helmet has major issues with the overall shape and depth of the details
  2. imo the galactic armory files are not very accurate. I feel like the files by NTX3D are the better option, and it isn't very expensive either.
  3. It looks like your handplates are missing the recess at the front of the plates https://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Handplate.png
  4. I've had some problems with the Montana Gold paint in the beginning as well. The paint was not holding to the parts very well and it was like a sand texture. I think the mail problem for me was that the can was too far away from the objects, you need to be quite close. Also I feel like your dark brown is a bit too brown. The original looks almost black
  5. Ah I see, yeah I know that. That means your paint chips aren't actually chipped, just painted on.
  6. How exactly does this work? Haven't heard of it tbh
  7. Weathering on the helmet looks awesome, it's spot on
  8. I got 29 instead of 33, but 6 and 13 is what I did as well
  9. what measurements did you use? I eye balled from the references I got, just wondering how close I am
  10. I feel like the front plate could be a little bit higher, maybe like 1-2cm. It would be easier to tell with the top rim. I suggest to look at original references and compare
  11. On my first troop 2 weeks ago I noticed that the thumb holes in my sleeves pull really hard into my hand and it starts to hurt after a while. Especially when I'm wearing the gloves on top. Did anyone else experience these kinds of problems or does anyone have an idea to make it more comfortable?
  12. For me, they meet in the front. Look at the original reference where the plates meet with the belt and adjust accordingly
  13. Basically what @Aradun said. Scaling is lots of trial and error, even with armorsmith. always print test rings for the arms to see how big they are. But make sure to test with the undershirt on already because that makes the arm a bit bigger. I didn't change anything on the torso as it's quite spacey(?)
  14. Got the costume approved today without any changes necessary 😁 I'm planning on making the E-22 in the future. I have sean fields files, but I'm wondering if there are more accurate files out there that people use?
  15. I am finally finished with the costume. Today I took some pictures for approval, I hope it gets through on the first attempt I still need to adjust some padding for better comfort and maybe figure something out to prevent the back of the shoe from slipping out of the shin. A big thank you to everyone who gave me tips and helped me though this build!
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