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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by SwiftieScout

  1. I'm in! TB-41454 reporting for duty
  2. Thank you! Nice to meet a Mountain Garrison Pathfinder!
  3. Armor: RS Props Bucket: RS Props Soft parts: Imperial Boots Boots: Imperial Boots Flightsuit: Imperial Boots Balaclava: REI EC-17: RS Props DLT-19: Super6Props kit Scope: Imperial Arms kit
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Testing this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks @Chopper and @Aradun! I'll check those out and post some of those pics. Crossing my fingers for my approval!
  7. Got a smaller flightsuit from imperial boots and this one fits really well. Added a bunch of velcro in all the right places to keep things from moving around. Moved the dropboxes to the sides more and widened the belt a bit in the back. Also put a fan system in my bucket to keep it from fogging up. Submitted my application so now we wait! I would post pics here but the tiny size limit is a total killer and i cant upload any more pics to this thread 😕
  8. Thank you this helps alot!
  9. So all of my gear came in from RS! Got it all on and adjusted some things here and there. Overall i think it fits great and looks amazing. The flightsuit is a medium even though im a small so it fits a bit baggy on me. I feel like I need to take that in a bit... though I always wear slim fit and tight fitting clothes so maybe its just not how im used to things feeling on me. Alot of guys my size wear medium sizes so maybe i should just feel it out a bit more. Let me know what you all think as far as the fit on that please. For the shoulder bells, is there a way to keep them from rotating back? They have a band that goes around my arms and they are attached to the chest and back armor with zip ties. I can adjust them and over time they rotate back. I was taking my own pics with a timer on my phone and kept taking my gloves off to get it going, then having to rush back and put my gloves in and get in position so i was moving alot and not checking my armor at all (as shown by my lopsided thermal detonator lol) . Would velcro on the back of them and the vest sleeves help? I feel like that would restrict my mobility so maybe its bot a great option. I'm super excited to FINALLY have my armor! Any tips would be appreciated! Also i noticed later that my knee armor was upside down 🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. I sanded the parts down a bit starting with 200 grit, then 320, and finally 400. I didn't go with a completely smooth finish as I felt the weathering would take better with some texture. I built the blaster and painted the entire thing with matte black spray paint. I taped off the area for the metallic band by the stock and painted that mica silver. I then taped over that and the stock and mist coated the whole thing with satin black. At this point I saw a previous thread about someone getting denied because they were missing the wires that secure the t-tracks in place so I added some and painted them satin black as well. I lightly weathered using a gun metal acrylic (but not the grip or the t-tracks as I had gathered from previous posts) drybrushed with a sponge (drysponged?) then painted in the "holes" with jet black acrylic. I hit the whole thing with rustoleum dullcote to tone down the shine a bit. I then masked the rest of the rifle and unmasked the stock and painted that with several wet coats of satin black. I opted not to go with a full gloss black and I'm happy I didn't. I painted the orange tip the same way after masking off about 8mm of the orange tip in case I ever need to use it. Overall I'm very happy with the way it came out. Took me about 4-5 days in all. I'm still waiting for my scope kit to come in which I will paint with the same process. I included a pic of the orange tipped version as well. Last pic is for size reference. I had a blast (pun intended) building this! I'm so anxious for my armor to come in... estimate is mid-November!
  11. Here is the dlt-19 kit from super6props. It comes printed in black and comes with an extra tip printed in orange which is a nice touch. The sights swing up and down and the bipod is removable in case you want to go with a lancer approved dlt-19x after adding a scope. The parts came individually wrapped in black wax paper but I unwrapped them all for the pic. Shipping was a fast 2 days from the UK! Got this earlier in the week.
  12. Thanks! These forums have been a treasure trove of valuable information
  13. So after having introduced myself I went ahead and ordered a bunch of stuff... so here goes! I live in a 700 sq foot second floor apartment so I have no shop or tools so I did go with a complete build from RS Props, however, I am a skinny built guy so I know I will need some modifications, especially on the flightsuit and other soft parts if I want them to fit right. I do build scale models so I have plenty of materials to be able to make modifications (cutters, blades, many different grit sandpapers, many paints, etc etc) so I'm comfortable with the level of work I will need to do to hopefully end up with a greenlight into the 501st! Aside from my build from RS, I ordered a biker scout helmet audio system from ukswraths )which I've read great things about) and a helmet fan system from twothumbs. I wanted a dlt-19x and was going to order one from yourcustomstuff but it looked really skinny. The scope looked nice so I ordered just the scope kit from them. I found a dlt-19 kit from super6props that looked great so I ordered that. I kind of feel like I'm cheating a bit getting a full buildout but I know no buildout is a guaranteed pass and I know I will need to do some work on it to fit me right so I will get enjoyment from that. I purposefully ordered kits for the dlt-19/x stuff as opposed to built/painted so I would have something to work on. I'm super excited to start my journey! Pathfinders lead the way!
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