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  1. Thanks guys, got some great ideas. I'll try some velcro, see how that goes.
  2. Not sure if anyone has seen Bravo outposts video on YouTube, but he has straps (maybe braces) holding up his bund. Is that acceptable?
  3. If I attach velcro to the flight suit, wouldn't the vest get in the way?
  4. I've noticed whenever I put my cummberbund on my dummy (aka my 28 year old son) that it slips down, so I realise I'll have to attach it to something. Would it be better to attach it to the vest, or the chest armour? What do other troopers do?
  5. Thanks, that makes sense.
  6. So after many years of saying I'm gonna build myself a scout trooper costume, I've finally started it. As a total noob to this, I've been getting lots of inspiration from everyone here and watching videos on YouTube. I'm now starting the chest armour and I'm stuck on the best way to attach the front and the back pieces together. Watching Paul from RS prop masters YouTube video, is that right to overlap the two halves at the shoulder together? It seems a bit ridgid that way, and I'm afraid it might break taking it off and on. Any input is appreciated.
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