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About Nairy

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  • 501st Garrison
    Swedish Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. What vendors have you all used for your specific costumes? Any bad experiences or things you'd do differently if you were to get the costume now?
  2. What are the claims of Luna and ArmoryShop regarding their helmets, is it their own sculpt?
  3. Thank you! I see, flexible filament seems to be the best material then in my humble opinion! As for the helmet movement I'm used to the TK and I doubt that it is more different to that, so I think it would be more or less the same! Sounds great about the sitting situation! I think this might seriously consider this one as my next costume! What are your thoughts about the Denuo Novo helmet? Have any of you pre-ordered it? If not, why? (Excluding that it is super expensive)
  4. Hello everyone! I'm Nairy, active member over at FISD. I'm from Sweden and joined the Legion in August last year! So far, I've not had the urge to get any new costumes, but that being said - I'm looking around to see what options I have around me if that would be the case in the future! Our forums are very much alike so I'm not a total newbie when it comes to navigating the them, however, I looked through the vendor sales thread, but didn't find any information on any people that take on Patrol Trooper commissions! Is this the case or did I just not look in the right place? Further questions about the Patrol Trooper: As a TK - you can't sit down (ofc), but are you able to sit down somewhat in a Patrol Trooper costume? The only thing I'm thinking that would make that hard would be the stomach piece being very rigid and tight on the body as well as the cod piece! Have any of you managed to sit down?
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