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501st Pathfinder
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About Hardcase_ltfad

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  • Name
    Elkan Henderson
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Gen City
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  1. Thanks mate! I'll update when I hear back!
  2. I already did last week😁 waiting to hear. Sorry if I exasperated you with the questions.
  3. Ah yes I've been here since March but didn't update here. I've just been in contact with my Garrison. I had touched on this earlier, but I don't think it was addressed directly, so forgive me for bringing it up again And that has led me to another query, since the crls are specific, does that also mean that for the BF builds. Other weathering such as scratches and scuffs also need to be made as close as possible to the game rendering? In regards to the positions and sizes. Like since they're from the game, all the troopers in the game probably all have the same weathering. Do we treat it as almost like a boba Fett and try to get chipping the same?
  4. Ah ok so it's also specific to each variant wether or not something can be weathered. Well I must say, I wish I knew this stuff before I started 😂
  5. So do you think if we happen to see heavily weathered ST in Andor, it will be adjusted then?
  6. Oh no I didn't mean it like that, I'm really not into building a back story, or anything of the sort. That's fine for some, just not for me. I only meant I like the heavier weathered look. I hadn't seen anything against that so figured it wasn't a big deal if something was more weathered. I mean we do have examples of heavily weathered troopers, if not shoretrooper exactly. But thank you very much for your opinions and insight, being able to get feedback like this helps me tremendously, as I slowly grow my experience.
  7. Thank you! It's airbrushed a acrilic black wash. I was curious about why the weathering is too heavy. If something is weathered, couldn't something be more weathered? Also, I had considered another thing in battlefront. Since this is where the specialist is originating from, as you go through gameplay if you are in a natural environment you'll slowly gain more and more weathering as you play until you're pretty heavily weathered. Does that have any effect on what we view as canon, and the limitations of accumulated grime? I did wanted to give my character the appearance that he'd been through hell so all the weathering is intentionally heavy. Thank you very much for your assistance and insight, I really appreciate all the help.
  8. Here's my specialist! Am I ready for application? Let me know what you think In the first pictures my buckles on my shins are on the wrong sides but I fixed this in the later photos. Just haven't taken another set of full length photos yet. Imgur album
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