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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Monsignore

  1. I'm so glad this topic was broached. I'm surprised I hadn't thought of the potential difficulties. And love the stories. 🤣 I've been a motorcyclist for 25+ years, ride ATGATT year 'round, which can make potty breaks complicated. For long distance trips in my younger days, I used a Stadium Pal, but omitted the collection bag and ran a tube out my pant leg. Maybe that could be an option for some long duration troops? But also, warm bag of pee strapped to your leg... Not sure if that's covered in the CRL. (https://www.stadiumpal.com/)
  2. Someone posted that we should wear it like the captured Rebel in the screen grab. Does that mean I have to grow a goatee? I do not look good in a goatee. Also, I have a Schampa-brand balaclava in my pile of disused motorcycle gear. I assume that would be fine, as long as the logo is hidden?
  3. Excellent video! I just received my SC kit this week and am itching to get started, but also hesitant to get started so I don't eff it up. Thanks for building my confidence with this video. Now, for the soft parts vid...🍿
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