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Everything posted by BigBasile

  1. Alright, thanks for the help. I did download the files a while ago so I'll probably have to grab the updated files but that isn't as big of an issues to me. It really should be that hard to smooth out the files as they are pretty simple shapes by themselves, although deleting the trapezoids in the back of the helmet will he a pain as I already printed and primed it. But again nothing impossible.
  2. Hey! I was hoping just to get a few things cleared up. so from what I can gather the Galactic Armory 3d files aren't movie accurate and are instead an interpretation. this interpretation also isn't going to be approved for use because they aren't different enough from the original armor. I just wanted to make sure this is all correct, because while I could seemingly easily fix the helmet the armor seems like a lost cause that if it isn't going to be allowed to be printed I will probably give up on this cosplay for the time being.
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