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501st Pathfinder
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TreeHuggerMatt last won the day on January 15

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About TreeHuggerMatt

  • Birthday 10/10/1971

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    Edinburgh, Scotland

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  1. It happens also in IRL so amongst other things I’m going to get one of the braces that corrects the alignment by pulling the shoulders back to align it so it ‘ learns ‘ how to be again if that makes sense. it’s just been an issue since I moved up here and had to transition to a desk job in costume I have insoles in the boots which are great but I’m pretty sure now reading your post again that like you say it’s not lined up so pressure on my lower back gets worse. https://amzn.eu/d/d6nJN8f is one I have seen. Thanks MJ
  2. As many of you will know I’m a wee bit chubby and whilst I am losing weight ( slowly ) I have an issue when tripping with the scout where sometimes my lower back on one side will just start to get really painful, I’ve tried gels and painkillers etc and I bought a back brace which is slim enough to fit under the suit and bund and not cause fitment issues but I wonder if there may be a trick I missed. I know I’m not the only one a wee bit hefty so asking for advice from you awesome lot of you are or know anyone who is and has found something to help. Also amongst better diet and excercise which has helped ( had to shorten the TD belt 👍🏻 ) id like to see what others may have found Hopefully someone can TIA
  3. Congrats Pathfinder!! can’t comment on fb cos I’m on the naughty step but well done mate. Smashed it and hope to see you and it soon 👍🏻
  4. Congrats trooper! two rules. watch out for trees and shoot all murderer bears on sight!
  5. First round of sanding done. There are one or two seams where the receiver parts join etc It’s the same file @Aradun had so lot of that will the same Sub assemblies etc Stock and receiver scope barrel secrikns I hope this turns out better
  6. So it goes like this I’ve had the surfinbird files since they were on thingiverse but didn’t have a printer. As we know the other one bought was smashed in an accident so I bought and started a 20a i always wanted a 19x but forgot I had the files. I was asked by a garrison mate if I had the scope files so i searched , found them and sent Next thing I know I slipped and accidentally printed the files off , bought some 14mm dowel and found some 16mm pipe whooops 😂😂😂
  7. I know its a few days late but all the best for the new year folks.
  8. Great job shifting them print lines mate.
  9. Got a pic buddy. Looking for a battery one as the uks wrath is mains recharged and we as ya know are 240 not 110
  10. I do as I eventually found his trading cards but when i tried to go via the garrison they won’t / can’t help due to EU data protection laws I did. Originally via the help function as I had an open order when Etsy caused all the trouble. Didn’t know he could do custom orders via Etsy private custom page how did you contact him?
  11. Surfinbird132 are prob the best one He’s on cults3d
  12. How did he sort that out. I managed to contact him and mines also on way
  13. I bought a kit off Etsy mate
  14. Its not very , did the misting thing but will try the IPA on a small bit.if I have to sand and respray then so be it.
  15. Looking to repurpose my scouts to Mando for various reasons ,located decent flight suit and neck Seal and will sort paints out at some point and will use the crl and wipe to sort the new weathering . To avoid too much trouble and as im not sure I thought I would ask you fine folks on the best methods(s) to wipe the rattle can misted weathering how I have to be able to then redo it. Looking to redo helmet armour and boots. Given it was black misted I would say it would be best to clear and then restart not go over what I have now yeah?
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