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501st Pathfinder
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Burnsie last won the day on November 27 2021

Burnsie had the most liked content!


24 Excellent

About Burnsie

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501st Information

  • Name
    Paul Burn
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Kashyyyk Trooper

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  1. Welcome and thanks to the previous 🤘
  2. Great work, congratulations.
  3. Going slow but steady, think I have 1 more item to sort out and then should be ready to try again. 👍
  4. Hi, Just to let you know I have been working through the items listed and should be in a position to re-submit in the coming weeks,😀
  5. Thanks for your feedback much appreciated, and you have identified a few major and a few minor issues against the level 2 and crl reference (as it currently stands as it is inaccurate against screen references as we are all aware of). I’ll probably just leave this armour set as level 1 clearance for the time being until the crl is more defined, as it is a great costume already cleared with 501st and RL against that standard with no issues, and I was happy to be the 1st to take the plunge. Look forward to continuing as a kashyyyk pathfinder 👍😉
  6. If you need anymore just let me know. 👍
  7. Dressed costume images - Troops & 501st Approved Clearance Photographs
  8. No problems, I’d noticed they had disappeared I’ll re- upload my 501st clearance ones tonight with some extras taken on troops. 👍
  9. Hi, I was just wondering on how the review was going and if you needed any further info or pictures. Thanks 👍
  10. If you need any further images dont hesitate to contact me. Thanks and look forward to feedback
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