Hello, my name is Stu and live in central Texas. This will be my first 501st submission. I first learned of the legion in the 2007 when I was working in the exhibits department of a museum and we were hosting a large exhibit of Star Wars movie artifacts. My "claims to fame" during that period was making a greeble repair to Luke's land speeder (under direction from someone with Lucasfilm) and almost breaking the Millennium Falcon! I have always enjoyed making costumes and props, but never to this level of accuracy. I loved the movie R1 and I was blown away by the look of the Shoretrooper. In 2021 I decided I wanted to make an honest stab at a movie replica costume, that when I entered the rabbit hole. After some kit research I opted to 3d print one and bought myself a printer for Christmas! I look forward to sharing my build and any insight others may have!
Soft Goods:
Under ****/ Neck Seal- IB (Keep Trooping)
Gloves- Endor Finders
Pants (Lvl 2)/ Kama- Darkside Closet
Shoes- Orca Bay Brecon (Sand) - Katherine Partis
Nico's Files
Lens- Branfuhr Studios
Files- Mr. Pauls Shoretrooper Build
Boxes/Back Greebles/Belt cover- MPSB
Rigging Kit- MPSB
E22 (Hero):
Kuroi Sabato V3
Montana Gold- Shock Dark Brown, Shock Black, Sahara Beige, Pebble, Yellow Cab, Red Orange, Gloss Varnish (over base coat)
Dupli-Color- Super Red II (3E5)
My perfect color- Porter 6467-2 Nordic Blue (satin)
Ender 5 Pro- PETG (Black)
Saturn S- ABS Like Resin