I posted this in the Command Forum by accident. I am also new a the whole Forum thing as well. I'll be starting a Scout Trooper kit! I got kinda lucky and found a whole kit near me with helmet and all. Picked it up the other night. Just busted it out of the box. The kit is stellar in my opinion but I also don't know what the hell I'm talking about for the most part. I've done some research but I'm no expert. The hood is a Don Post. The armor is nearly finished from what I'm reading on the data bank guidelines. Needs a few little touches. Also the guy who had originally started this kit was a real life Tom Cruise Maverick. A badass, in the Air force, flew fighter jets, whole nine yards. Unfortunately he was also like the real life Tom Cruise. I'm like 6 ft and big boned with size 12-13 boots. His trooper boots are size seven and needless to say his actual Air force fire retardant flight suit does not fit me...that being said I'm wondering about the "soft" parts I s'pose? I really need to get a new flight suit underneath. I've read Tie Fighter Black one pieces will work but I also have investigated into the more comfortable aspect of two pieces and the ability to go to the bathroom easier . Where best to purchase a suit or what best to use for the suit underneath? If I can make my own two piece add some suede and call it a day? The boots! What kind of boots can I get by with? Rain boots touched up to look the part? I will also post the armor to be judged or corrected or get advice on how best to proceed with the build. Oi! No. It isn't one of the deluxe fiberglass Don Post helmets. I'm not that lucky. Put your tongues back in your mouths you animals. The hood, I'm a welder forgive the reference, the Bucket needed a blow dryer to get my noggin inside. He swapped out the lens already to be darker and also riveted the head piece closed because he said it wouldn't stay shut. :{ I do want to get some critique on it though. So here it is laid out, minus the belt which needs to be assembled. With a bit of love I think I could get this ready relatively quickly. I'll add the photos of the belt and closer shots of the armor soon. That biker scout blaster is from 1984 by the by. I'm also unsure how to go about completing my profile since I don't have an assigned TK number. I think I have what it takes though to join the 501st. I'm really good at starting fires with two sticks. I've never caused a pile up with my 74-Z.... I avoid the forests of Endor now-a-days. Keep away from jungles. Also I just try and steer clear from all trees...mostly. I have taken on a full grown Ewok and lived to tell the tale. Dude was ferocious. Stole my shock grenades, tried to get my sonic charge. I barely escaped that moon with my hide. Anyways, now I'm living life in the hot flat lands of the Sunshine State. I don't have to think about those mean Ewoks anymore and certainly don't need a fire to stay warm where I'm at. I do hear the Florida Garrison is a wild bunch. I believe I would be assigned to Makaze Squade. That is if they'll have a trooper like myself.