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Cpt_Chops last won the day on July 9 2022

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About Cpt_Chops

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    Alabama Garrison
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    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. I look forward to seeing the results of the UV resin - good luck! Your helmet looks amazing!
  2. Thanks! Good luck with yours - it's definitely a lot of work, but the result is well worth it!
  3. Great suggestion - thanks! Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk
  4. Just started a thread with a tutorial on how I made the gloves - hope it helps!
  5. Hi Y'all! Here is a tutorial on how to make your own gloves! I really enjoy DIYing everything and I made it a goal to DIY my entire scout (at least as much as possible) and that meant trying to make the gloves too. So for anyone out there wanting to give glove making a whirl - here's how I did it. Also, I am by no means a sewing expert, so if I can do it - so can you! Happy glove making! The tutorial ended up being quite long (lots of pictures) so here is a link to the PDF on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n_xEdY0imdQ5MVwKsYYcdW63LfTvVBr3/view?usp=sharing Here is a link to a PDF of the glove pattern on Google Drive as well: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16KtIiRZQ34XWmnb3LAzEnGgSOxtmmCwe/view?usp=sharing Feel free to ask questions, share comments, or make improvements to the design/procedure. The DIY scout gloves
  6. My original hope (provided all went well) was to go for Lancer - what is the best way to proceed from here? I know of a couple of things that would likely need updating: boot droop, boot material (the material I used may be too textured). Before making changes though, I would love to have a "laundry list" of changes that need to be made before I make the commitment and start modifying my current armor. Sorry to miss your question! For my primer coat I used Krylon 2in1 filler primer and for the white I used Krylon Gloss White. The filler primer is great stuff (even though it takes a ton of it) and I really liked the gloss white color. I had a bunch of issues with peeling when trying to seal the gloss white with a clear coat. So only some of my armor pieces have a clear coat. I definitely learned a lot from making the gloves (mostly in patience) ;D Because I also cannot sew in a straight line very often!
  7. TB-17253 reporting in for duty! Level 1 approved! Thank y'all for all the support and guidance on making my scout - I am so excited to have joined. Summary of my build: Armor and blaster: 3D printed thanks to @MrPoopie's fantastic armor files Greeblies: resin printed by a friend of mine Thermal Detonator hose: from SC Helmet: 3D printed Jesus Salmeron's excellent design Soft parts: sewn by me with a lot of forum guidance Boots: made by me (base was Kingshow 1366 work boots) Decals: Helmet decals from Jesus Salmeron and tank decals made by me - printed at home with water-slide decal paper
  8. I got my scout completed last week - just in time for a fun weekend trip to Endor (my in-laws backyard) for some pictures! I am stoked to have it all finished! I hope it all looks correct - otherwise let me know if something should be adjusted I even got to borrow my father-in-law's MG-34 for a photo It's not part of my submission as its way too heavy to carry for more than a few minutes. However it made for a fun picture. I am currently working on submitting my photos for approval! Thanks for all the help!
  9. Alright - it's gloves time! After many pattern iterations, practice gloves, and patience, I was able to sew a pair of scout gloves! I used real Aniline leather and some suede left over from my riding patches. I tried to take pictures while I made them, so if anyone else wants to give it a whirl I would be happy to share some instructions and the pattern I made.
  10. Alright, I am so excited to finally share the helmet results (sorry for such a long post)! It took a while (on and off while working on the armor), but I am stoked by the results. I 3D printed it from PETG using the design from Jesus Salmeron. Printing (which took ~220 hours for all of it)... Assembly - it was a tight squeeze to get all the parts together. My printer was just too small to do the whole thing at once, so I had to assemble it afterwards. Then a lot of sanding, wood filler, sanding, sandable primer, sanding, and then a bit more sanding... White paint time! Assembled! Visor is made from a covid-19 face shield (cut to shape) and covered in 2 layers of 35% car window tint (I may add another layer or swap to 5% later). Added a black fabric liner and foam pads. Also included the chin cup. For the finishing touches, the snout greblie (resin printed by a friend of mine), decals (printed on decal paper using the decal's from Jesus Salmeron), and 3M bolt replicas. The 3M bolts included with the Jesus Salmeron helmet were flat, so I used the concave ones from Mr. Poopsie. Finally, the helmet!
  11. Thanks @kayelbe - great idea! I just ordered the det tube from SC. Looking forward to it coming in - should be one of the last pieces I need. Sounds good - I ordered some Aniline leather that I am going to try to use and I have left-over suede from doing the riding patches. I have been studying the photos and have a made a couple of templates and sewn a few "practice gloves". Sewing gloves has been fun/challenging/frustrating - everything you could hope for ;D Once the leather gets in and I try my hand at sewing the gloves I'll share some updates. If it doesn't work out, the pair from WampaWear looks great.
  12. Thanks for the pointers on the TD - I'll go for the vacuum hose style then to save some weight. I did not see any requirements for the tube size/shape/etc, so I checked my local stores for something that looked close. I found some 1 1/2 OD vacuum hose (which seems to be the right diameter) at Lowes/Home Depot: https://www.lowes.com/pd/EZ-FLO-1-1-2-in-Inner-Diameter-x-1-ft-Polyethylene-Pool-and-Spa-Vacuum-Hose/1000180595 or https://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-3-1-2-ft-Connector-Hose-for-Automatic-Swimming-Pool-Cleaners-69200/203796281 Would either of those work? I was looking to for local options, otherwise I can order some of the hose recommended on: Thanks!
  13. A couple material questions: - Any recommendations on TD wire/wrapping material? I have the TD printed and painted, I just need to wrap it. - Are there strict guidelines for the glove material? I am attempting to sew my own gloves (already made a few cotton practice gloves with some success) and I was wondering what the material guidelines were. The CRL just says "black leather", so I didn't know if black faux leather is ok or if only genuine leather is acceptable. If so, is there a particular type of genuine leather that should be used? Thanks!
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