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kindabusy last won the day on November 7 2024

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About kindabusy

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    SF Bay Area

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  1. Hey gang! I'm happy to share that the event requestor is extending the RSVP date to May 28th. Please sign up before then! Thanks!!
  2. Posting a friendly reminder that if you would like to troop the Forest Moon Festival troop on June 3 at 6pm, please sign up for the Golden Gate Garrison forums and sign up for the troop. The RSVP date is May 4th. sign up here: https://www.501stggg.com/events/2023-06-03-forest-moon-festival-eureka-saturday-june-3-6pm-8pm/?fbclid=IwAR0KErp8qN7VF2gu2utAGXTWlx9srUinzpFHxMSXyfHl9xtUqYFHGKCbc2g Thanks, Sara
  3. Erik and I got it resolved. Following up for others-- Please head to https://www.501stggg.com/sign-up/ and select 'Visiting Trooper' as the Registration Type. Our web team is very quick at approving visiting troopers, you should be approved by EOD at the latest. This is on the GGG side of things, but there is no approval email once your account has been approved. (And yes, we are currently working on it.) If you signed up for our forums, give it a day and you should be good to go to log in. I'd hate to bloat this thread with technical issues, so if you have an issue logging into our forums going forward, please message me directly. Happy Trooping! Sara
  4. Strange.... I'll message you directly.
  5. Hi there! Our web team has been pretty quick with approving visiting members, they confirm sign ups with CO and XO. Please head to https://www.501stggg.com/sign-up/ and select 'Visiting Trooper' as the Registration Type. Once your account is approved, you should have access to our trooping signups. For the Forest Moon Festival troop, I have been checking and approving the sign ups everyday. We have until May 4th to RSVP our attendance. Hope this helps!
  6. Feel free to reach out to any of us members in the Golden Gate Garrison if you need recommendations or planning help! There are lots of places with redwood trees outside of the filming location and might be easier accessible for people who might be using rental cars and hotels. FYI- It's never called San Fran. It's always San Francisco or SF. Never ever EVER San Fran! 😉 xo
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