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About Chewy1893

  • Birthday 04/18/1987

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  • Location
    San Antonio (soon to be Poland)

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  1. ok I like the jacket where can I order it?
  2. Man that looks great i cant wait to order mine and even more for it to arrive!!
  3. interested if still looking for for people!
  4. Following!
  5. That’s what I was kind of thinking and it makes total since now. thank you.
  6. Hey awesome, thanks y'all for getting back with me soo quickly. glad to hear that the ArmoryShop (AS I presume) is a trustworthy group.. I saw his pics and videos and really loved it. i also liked he had the extra stuff like the jacket and pants.. thank you for clearing up the question on how to get my id and that I really cant do much until its all finished and ready to be presented... I will defiantly have to reach out to the Polish sector while I'm there if I get it all finished in time. soo I guess I really need to just figure a way to raise the money for sure to buy it all quickly. maybe kidnapping a senator or few Jedi Younglings for Count Dooku or I even hear there's a high bounty on a child on the planet Arvala-7 (LOL). to help clarify something what is Patrol Trooper Armorers? it sounds like a rank structure or position in a chain of command. I'm in the military so I understand rank structure for sure, but what about Patrol Trooper Armorers do I need to know about? again TIA for all the help.
  7. Hey y'all, so this will be my first build/purchase. I want to do the Patrol Trooper Uniform and looking for guidance on where to start. Now I have found the ArmoryShop (Russia) has the helmet and soft parts available (basically the entire costume). so first question is has anyone used them before? how good is there shipping and handling? are they apart of this group? do you recommend someone else? Now I wont really have the ability to make it from scratch myself because at the end of the month ill be living and working in Poland for a year if that helps with location but I'll still have a stateside address too. secondly with money now completely available for the complete buy which parts should i start with buying first? Helmet? or something else? at what point do I get my TB- Name/ID? other 501st identifications? Thanks for the advice looking forward to finally joining the Ranks. Cody
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