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About damojamo1979

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  • Name
    Dameon James
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
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  1. Thanks guys, that really helps a lot!! 😃 I'm gonna start buy printing the abs section first. I'm a 36" waist which isn't a problem....its the bit that hangs over it which may be a problem! haha Lockdown and christmas is never kind to the waist ! haha
  2. By heavy stress parts you mean abs, chest etc?
  3. What infill / wall thickness do you recommend printing at?
  4. My helmet is finished now, so I'm gonna start printing Paul's files in PETG. Where should I start first? The smaller bits that don't need splitting? Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  5. What do you use the PVC glue for? Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  6. Another thing I need to ask.... Before I start 3D printing my armour, I was wondering what experiences people have had trooping in printed armour? I've heard and read conflicting things. Some say PLA is not good for trooping in whilst others have had no problems. I'd like to get some feedback before I start printing it. TIA Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  7. Progress being made on my helmet [emoji108] Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  8. Awesome, thank you very much. As you can tell i'm fairly new to this 3D printing! haha
  9. Would you count the helmet amongst the 'larger parts'? I'm just about ready to start printing the Nico helmet. nervous!!!
  10. Awesome, thanks guys. Also, can someone give me a link on how to actually build. TIA
  11. I've bought a load of Black PLA+ so i'm ready to start printing. Any recommendations on which bits to prints first etc?
  12. I have a 3D printer and i'm interested in making a Shoretrooper costume. Any help or advice would be welcome. TIA
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