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EC-17 Holdout Blaster

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EC-17 Holdout Blaster last won the day on August 16 2021

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About EC-17 Holdout Blaster

  • Birthday 11/28/2004

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    Star Wars (OF COURSE!), Lord of the Rings, The Expanse, and any and all tips about costuming!

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  1. Awesome thank you guys, I think I will help him try chopper’s strategy! Thanks again!
  2. Hey all, I have a friend who recently bought a scout trooper helmet. From made away creations props and he discovered that on the bolts provided with the helmet, there is a small square section near the base of the shaft, and was wondering if anyone else had any information on how to deal with that, I personally used a Dremel with a sanding bit to round the edges on it, but that took a long time and was not very practical, is there any better way to fit a bolt like that into a helmet, or will he have to sand it down? Thanks! Logan
  3. yup that is, I will have to find a way somehow, any reccomendations?
  4. Hey All, been a while since I last posted, I finally got my flight suit done (I believe), and wanted to check with you guys on how everything looks put together. I am still currently missing a few little things, like the last of the cutouts in my boots, belt clips for the TD, a balaclava, more weathering, and a more secure form of attachment for my cummerbund pouches to my cummerbund/chest armor, I will attach a few pictures in a drive that I would love for anyone to take a look at, and point out any more issues to me so I can fix them ahead of time before I apply! Thanks, and MTFBWY Logan https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15-42B965MmmOiCvE45qOHH1vZ1RUicd-?usp=sharing
  5. Then in that case, how do you sew it back together, wouldn't you go through to the other side while attempting to sew it back together?
  6. Hey everyone, so close to finishing my ROTJ scout now, but wanted to ask, how did you all sew your thigh patches onto your jumpsuit, it seems like it would be impossible to do so with a sewing machine without seam ripping the entire leg, and the only way to really do it would be to hand sew it, has anyone figured out a better way? Thanks
  7. Oh, ha, that funny, I didn't even think to double check, I must have been thinking of a different piece or something that was only available from England or something like that, thanks.
  8. Hey all, I'm getting pretty dang close to completing my scout up to spec for the CRL and mostly lancer level stuff too (at least I hope), and was wondering about the belt clips for the thermal detonator, I got a 3d printer recently and wanted to see if anyone knew of some files anywhere for the belt clips. If there aren't any, maybe I should learn to 3d model and try to make some myself. Many Thanks, and Long Live the Empire Logan
  9. I would love to see a walkthrough and pattern of what you made for your gloves, they are quite hard to find.
  10. Looking to buy a pistol because I am almost finished with my scout, and wondering where to buy from, i found this on amazon and a few other places and it seems fairly accurate to me, would it pass or should I go with something like DVH. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084P2S91W And if I was to purchase a DVH, where would I find it?
  11. yeah the cod is from IB, it is there although it could probably be a little more pronounced, might see what I can do about it, and as for the cummerbund being low, I was thinking of putting snap rivets on the backside of my chest armor and on the top part of the pouches so that they will hold up in that position, would that be an acceptable way of fixing it?
  12. Here are some photos of my almost finished TB, taken at Denver Fan Expo a little while ago. Just have to get a good pair of gloves, add the holster and blaster, and then attach the butt flap and thigh pads. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z2gZwZ2EeqPMgeZCqMjsSYxLqWB_aAyc?usp=sharing My build consists of Helmet: Mon Cals Prop Shop Armor: Studio Creations Set Gloves: Not Purchased Boots: Made from scratch with vinyl and work boots. Cummerbund and Flack Vest: Imperial Boots Flight Suit: Kolossus Work Suit from amazon.
  13. Alright thanks that helps a lot, I had been using a blowdryer and my boot just had a couple larger wrinkles near the front, and looking at the pinned tutorial made me think that everyone was somehow getting these perfectly flush boots.
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VdjcyUsbTYG7dj2iLBLMICE55Xj6ltSn/view?usp=sharing
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