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501st Pathfinder
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NiTRoX last won the day on October 21 2023

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59 Excellent

About NiTRoX

  • Birthday 10/22/1982

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  • Location
    Punta Arenas, Patagonia, Chile

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  1. Congrat Mickey! 3 Hurra for you. What ever your need from far away Patagonia just ask.
  2. hello everyone! I have little time for an event that is in October, and I want to buy an EC-17 for my suit. I have mine original from RSprops Master, but I'm looking for a secondary one for tropes and conventions. It doesn't matter if it isn't very accurate, it's just to have a lighter one, hopefully cheaper in case of loss. If you have any information about where I can just buy and arrive ready, I would appreciate it. Before they say 3D printing, my friend who did those jobs for me is not available, hence the urgency. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond. (By the way, I live in Chilean Patagonia)
  3. I would really like to be able to read that thread about the comments you have about the HB helmet, when you have that information available. I don't have that sharp eye and when you share observations it's a good learning experience for everyone.
  4. It looks very entertaining, how nice it would be to be able to go. I wish much success in this activity to those who participate. I see photos of that park and it's like "wow", beautiful, and I tell you that I live in Patagonia and we know about nature. Much success to you and enjoy it a lot.
  5. Ok entiendo, te ayudare a traducir tu consulta para que te ayuden, ya que no es es un traje que yo conozca. Se de algunas armaduras clon, que en esa pieza "Upper Arm Armor" usan como unos suspensores (tipo arnés) que vienen del cuello y van con velcro. Como unas tiras. Pero en este clon en particular por sus colores no lo se. dear @Jakeputt i´ll try translate the questión of @Totocat
  6. Se ve muy bien tu armadura. (en efecto somos pocos los de habla hispana) Si tienes alguna duda o necesitas ayuda te puedo ayudar a traducir. Tránsate: "for now I'm stuck with the parts of the arms. I don't know how I'm going to place them to use them." @TotocatTe refieres a como colocarlo en el traje y que quede fijo? Que se no baje por ejemplo?
  7. Congrat to @Schraeder!!!! 😃 awsome!
  8. Arne: Yes! i buyed this: Ubermann model: Sod.320314U sizes: 40x48x117 All inside my box. i have some pics and videos on my IG @tb66678 link for videos: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17931025499209754/ Note: foam from alixpress, jut put it with silicone (hot), and paint &light home made i hope this help to you. I saw there other cargo boxes from brand "husky" but they are very expensive on my country cos u need import from USA. Greetings.
  9. Thank @BikerScout007 and team for all works, and the easy explanation video. Thanks too for speak slow, its more easy understand. Regards.
  10. So so so far away, meaby i will wait next USA celebration haha (stil far away but no like UK)
  11. Give thanks for all the work and time dedicated to the detachment that @Retrofire had. And wish the best of success to @Chopper in this new stage and responsibilities assumed. I am sure you will do very well, as we have always seen you in the activities and tasks within the detachment forum.
  12. I see all pic. Mmm Follow my ig account y will post some pics. @TB66678 on IG
  13. Thank! Tomorrow i will up here a short video or pics how i get the armor in there. My back and front plate are together, the trick is put it in "diagonal" , then the backpack fit in the corner perfectly (see pic BELOW). Here i only have this pic, before an airplane trip, meaby can help too.
  14. Thanks a lot Chopper, very clear with photo.
  15. By the way, was very nice see and meet some people from here. Was a nice activities. And thank for undertand my poor english, Marco from Patagonia!
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