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Everything posted by NYShoretrooper

  1. Thanks guys! Either of you happen to have a picture of the zip ties going from the shoulder bells into the shoulder straps? I've been looking through threads and can't find any pictures of them.
  2. Huh, alright. It just sits very weird, but I also don't have the side straps yet. Only the shoulders. I'll add the side straps and get it all tightened up. Here's a better image I took with stuff more secured.
  3. Anybody know where I can get bigger chest and back plates? Mine are way too small for my. I have MonCal armor, so I'd need something bigger than those. Sadly I'll also need a new tank probably.
  4. I worked on the costume all day. I weathered hard armor, attached the holster to the boot, partially assembled my belts and straps, and figured out I need to get more elastic. Here’s a picture of my partial suit-up. The chest armor is held in place only by gravity which is why it looks so funky, haha. I’ll assemble it more tomorrow.
  5. Thanks! I’ll be perusing that page quite a bit.
  6. Hey everyone! I was working on a Shoretrooper, but that's been shelved for a bit so I can finish other projects I've got going on. One of which is my Biker Scout. It's actually very close to being done. My helmet is finished up (minus needing to have the chin cup installed and the whole thing being weathered a bit), and I need to assemble everything else and get a flak vest. I'm talking to Steph now about a flak vest, and I intend to work on the armor this weekend. I'm going to go for a "beat up and well-used" effect for the armor in keeping with ROTJ, and the helmet will be weathered to look as such. I already semi-achieved it with the ears and paint scrapes. The weathering should look phenomenal when I'm through with it.
  7. But if I can't see and trust in the Force, won't my aim improve? 😄
  8. My soft goods came! Forgot to post the picture here. Everything fits perfectly.
  9. KB Props got back to me, he’ll be sending me the strips and TD. So that’s set! Now we wait for the paint...
  10. I was just going to cut one of the thicker straps length wise for them.
  11. Finally home and can reply lol. I've messaged Mr Paul about the hip plate pieces as you suggested, waiting to hear back on that. KB Props is aware of the thermal detonator situation and will be sending me one.
  12. One last quick question. I'm having trouble piecing together the parts for the hip armor. Here it is as it appears on the CRL. Here's what I've figured out in my kit. I'm pretty sure that's part of it...
  13. Thanks! 😀 I already messaged KB Props about the missing parts. Now I just have to get the paint and soft goods in, and I'll also have to hunt down the foam needed for the chest and back plate...
  14. My armor came today! I've checked it over thoroughly and I'm pretty sure all that's missing is the thigh plates and everything to make the thermal detonator. There are a few pieces I don't recognize but I'm sure I'll figure out what they are as I do my build.
  15. Yeah I knew that lol. I meant 25$ production batch for just two cans of paint seems a bit steep.
  16. Oof, 25$ production fee. I’d think I’d only need one can wouldn’t I?
  17. Aw dang.... do you know of a US seller who carries it? I've been looking and can only find UK sellers who have it in stock.
  18. It’s not that I’ve opted against it per se... it’s just proving to be very annoyed to get ahold of, and the few options I did find were expensive. Thanks for the heads up!
  19. I'm trying to find a suitable replacement blue color, I've narrowed it down to two choices, both being Montana Gold. Baby blue: https://www.plazaart.com/montana-gold-spray-paint-baby-blue Fresh blue: https://www.plazaart.com/montana-gold-spray-paint-fresh-blue I'm leaning towards the fresh blue, it looks like it'll be the right shade after spraying the matte black and ageing.
  20. Okay, great news! IB and I figured out the problem and I was able to get my order in just in the nick of time. 😁 Now I need to hunt down the ammo pouch... to eBay!
  21. So it seems that my original order from Imperial Boots DID NOT go through.💀 Of course when I tried to frantically do the order over so I can get my soft goods, PayPal is refusing to work properly with the website, so I can’t check out. I’m really hoping the issue is corrected soon, I messaged IB about it.
  22. Shame there isn't just one place I can order all the paint I need from. Oh well, I'll make do. Thanks for the link!
  23. Awesome, thanks. One more question, this is the correct spray paint, right? It's out of stock on Amazon, Lowes, and Home Depot. https://www.plazaart.com/montana-gold-spray-paint-sahara-beige
  24. Is the Imperial Boots "EZ Strapping system" recommended? Because if it is, I'll just tack it onto my order. Figure I'll ask now, lol
  25. Thanks! I'm going to be going for Vanguard status too, so I'll be having fun doing the research on that!
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