Hi everybody, Just getting started on my 501st journey. I’ve been doing some research and pondering the options for a ROTJ scout. I’d appreciate any advice you guys have to give. I’m based in the UK and suspect that it’ll be easier to get something locally produced if possible. I’d be keen to get something as accurate and high quality as possible. I can also see the attraction of getting as much as possible from one supplier - should mean it all works well together. So, I’m very tempted by RS Prop masters. However, I’d like to do some of the fitting and so forth myself. Getting back to costuming and working with my hands is part of the reason for getting involved. Also, I’d like things to fit as well as possible. From their website it looks like RS only do ready to wear out of the box scout armour. Anyone else from the UK done a scout build recently? Any more experienced scouts care to offer some suggestions? Many thanks in advance, Simon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk