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501st Pathfinder
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About BrownEyes

  • Birthday 07/03/1998

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  • Location
    Northwest Florida

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Almost forgot! Obligatory tree hugger picture during the first official Scout outing!
  2. Howdy everyone! After finally deciding to make myself something instead for someone else and a long LONG year+ of "I'll get it done before May 4th!", I have finally finished my scout build and it has been approved! Super happy to finally be riding around with everyone else and having another option for troops. Here's an action picture and a picture with a little Ewok I found running amok. My build consists of: Armor: Studio Creations Helmet: Studio Creations Flighsuit: Chrisx909x Gloves: Wampawear Boots: DIY Ozark Trail Boots Mod Cummerbund, Pouches, Cod, and Flakvest: DIY Holdout Blaster: Blasterworks
  3. Si, todos los productos de Mike estan echos a calidad y son acceptados por la 501 siempre y cuando mandes las medidas correctas para que te quepan bien.
  4. I've seen some people mention their pouches come in with mold and a strong humidity smell to them. Was the condition on yours ok?
  5. Howdy everyone, I was wondering where I could get a Yugo Ammo pouch? I've looked at the only option through etsy and ebay along with some very questionable sites online. Does anyone know of either a US based seller or where I can get one that wont take too long to ship?
  6. I ended up getting my kit from Kevin/IS. Their kit is a lot more detailed and I feel that their pulls are a lot cleaner and nicely defined. Keep in mind the 850 kit will do fine for basic approval as long as you build it to fit you properly. IS did recently add upgraded resin boxes for the belt and I got everything within maybe 2 weeks after ordering (I think I just got lucky there). Personally, I think the extra money is well worth it for Kevin's kits as they have been probably the best around. Do what's within your budget and remember it'll ultimately come down to making it fit you. (For the helmets I recommend either finding a 2nd hand Anovos, Nico Henderson files, or Sean Fields MKV).
  7. I would be a bit careful with this seller. iirc, there was a thread on a forum about his Shore bucket and how he used an Anovos helmet in the listing and when people bought it and received it the quality was not only bad, but it obviously was not an Anovos (even thought at that point it would of been a recast work which is a no no). That being said, as BikerScout mentioned, no it would not be approvable.
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