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Luy Zypher

501st Legion Member
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About Luy Zypher

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  • Gender
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    Berlin Germany

501st Information

  • Name
    Luy Zypher
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    German Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. one more question - is your baton with all the electronics still extendable? How did you manage this? Is there enough space for the circuitboard?
  2. Roughly 96cm closed and 119.5cm fully extended. Thanks, Bro 😀 I expected it to be longer when extended
  3. Awesome work 😍 sounds great and every FA Scout is a nightmare to the Jedi scum One question: what are the dimension of the baton (retracted and extended)?
  4. Hi there, I wonder if you could help me regarding these two vendors: https://www.armour-factory.com/producto/scout-trooper-armadura-completa/?lang=en https://www.moviefx-business.com/Biker/ Prices look okay .. but are the parts good? Or would you recommend a different vendor? Thanks in advance for your help 😇
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