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PFD Recruit
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    Richmond, VA

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  1. Thanks, I may have to put this one off a while and ease my way into the 501st with a Tie Reserve, but ultimate goal is going to be a Shoretrooper build.
  2. This may be a silly question but I don’t see numbers thrown around all too often expect on the trade forums. What is a good budget range I should have available to me for a full build?
  3. I think I’m just looking for a level 1 cert for now. I think that’s accurate enough for my liking.
  4. As a newbie around here, I’ve not got a lot of experience on builds. I’ve scanned the forums for recent info on 850AW product but I haven’t quite found the info I need. The price point is super appealing to me and I’m wondering what work would all go into a build after purchasing a kit from them? I have a friend who can help me with painting, but as far as assembly, sizing, etc. What am I not considering if I decide to purchase a black ST kit from them? Ideally and for many other reasons I’d love to own a 3D printer but budgetarily I don’t have that extra cash right now. Here’s a link to what I’m looking at: https://850armorworks.com/R1-Shoretrooper-squad-leader-style-costume-armor-kit-p145019963 Thanks in advance.
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