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501st Legion (RET)
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About Cheese

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    NH, USA

501st Information

  • Name
    Keith Limberg
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    New England
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. I will definitely be submitting for Lancer but I can tell I need some practice putting it on and getting things looking correct. It’s a bit harder than I expected. I did build it with the Lancer specs in mind though.
  2. Just got the approval email this morning. My first so I have to fill out the 501st app now. Thanks again.
  3. Adjustments made and pictures retaken. Sent the application off. Thanks again for the help, tips and direction in completing this build.
  4. Suited up fully for the first time. My daughter helped me with the pictures and of course was in a bit of a rush. I wished I had looked closer at these before she left. I noticed my belt is too low (not even with the bund), and after walking around, a bit of boot drop even though I have an elastic and Velcro strap inside the boot. It’s positioned about center of the holster. Maybe that’s too low? I can’t redo that at this point but I can slap some Velcro in there and on the leg of the flightsuit I suppose. Bicep armor is rotated too far back as well I think. I’ll let the experienced and more keen eyes let me know what you think.
  5. The boots took a little longer than I thought but are finished up. Just have to install the holster and weather them. Planning on taking pictures and submitting to my GML tomorrow after posting here for feedback on basic approval.
  6. Working on the butt flap. First pic is what I started with, definitely too long but it seemed too wide as well. I trimmed 1.5” off the length and .75” off each side. Hoping to get some input as to whether or not it needs any more taken off. Thanks.
  7. IGetting closer to finishing this up. Spent the past few days priming, sanding and painting most of the armor. Just have to finish up the holster, back and belt. Had a paint malfunction on the holster trying to put on another coat. No idea why it reacted (had been 3 days since the previous coat) but as with this gloss enamel, it’s not surprising. So will have to wait to sand it down some and redcoat. Just curious, but has anyone used Montana Gold gloss white? I know it’s an acrylic so it won’t look quite the same nor wear like an enamel but it seems like it would be easier to work with. I know that’s the paint of choice for the Shore trooper build but that’s flat and fairly weathered. I also decided to just jump in and weather these parts. No sense in waiting. It is more pronounced than in the photos. They make it look really subtle. Last week I finished printing @Jesus.Salmeron‘s helmet files. Saved so much time and effort printing it in 3 pieces. Here is the mostly finished lid. Should have the snout greeblie from ukswrath here this week then I can finish it up with that install and helmet padding. Here are the two 3d printed helmets side by side. I was thinking of making a post on the armor/helmet forum to do a comparison of the two with measurements. Not sure if there’s any interest in me doing that or not. Working on the boots this week with the hope of wrapping it all up but it may be into next week for that.
  8. Finishing up painting the armor this week. I have a love/hate relationship with gloss white paint. When it works, it looks great, but one hiccup from dust, temp, humidity, etc and it takes time to fix. Anyway, my dilemma is weathering. After the time and effort to get a gloss finish, it pains me to entertain weathering but it does look great if done right. Did most of you guys weather yours? Do most lancer builds do it? Just looking for some thoughts regarding it. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the link Dennis, that will be helpful very soon. Started work on the boots. I got the ones recommended but have a question regarding the sole color. The CRL states tan just for basic clearance. These seem more of a gum color to me but in many builds it appears that the soles are left as is. Is this correct or should I paint them?
  10. Some decent progress this week. I had finished the vest but wasn’t happy with the tightness across the front and the lighter material I had used for the chest and back parts. Ripped the seams and redid the chest and back with a heavier cotton material, made the chest just a bit wider and lengthened it as well. Much happier with it. Finished up the cod, cummerbund and pouches as well. Haven’t attached the pouches to the cb yet. I was going to use Velcro on the backs of the tabs and the front top edge of the cb. Is this the best way? I’ve seen some pictures with Velcro on the front of the pouch tabs. Not sure where that is Velcroing to though. I still haven’t trimmed the butt flap. Want to wait until the belt is finished. I think it’s still long but the cod strap made a big difference in how it looks. Glad I didn’t trim it yet. Thoughts or critiques in any of this please. Thanks again for all the guidance and help. Armor is coming along. Finished printing everything. Chest and back printed perfectly in one piece (thanks Mr Poopie!). Having a minor paint issue with the gloss white curing on a few pieces. Not sure if it was the primer or something else. Going to have to wet sand it down pretty far and restart the coats on the shoulders, knees, and arm pieces.
  11. Small update. I pulled the riding patch quarters with the gaps off and redid them. Much easier to sew all four together, then pin and sew to the flight suit. Looks much better as well. Pretty sure the butt flap is too long, but want to wait to trim it until I get the cod strap attached to the vest to confirm how much. Finished the vest as well. Used a raglan shirt pattern and adjusted the length, neckline and sleeves. It wasn’t easy attempting to size it to fit over the flight suit, but seems ok.
  12. I haven’t zipped up the outer seams yet so I have plenty of suede to redo, which I may do regardless. So much of this is learn as you go. Appreciate the feedback @Retrofire
  13. Quick question for anyone that may know. Is there any issue with a gap on the inner seam of the riding patches? I ended up sewing them in quarters which may have been a mistake although I know others have done that. The inner coverall seam is pretty thick and that combined with the suede, snapped a needle so I tried to avoid that seam. By doing so I have a bit of a gap between the front and back panels on each side. Not sure if I should have sewn the quarters of each leg together and then put it on the suit. Got the collar done.
  14. The work is progressing. Finished the TD. Armor is printed except for the chest, back and tank. Which are in progress. This is the raw PETG with some sanding then a coat of resin. Have to sand them and then prime/paint tomorrow. Also I figure it’s time to dust off the sewing machine and get into the soft stuff. Starting with the elastic/Velcro for the armor pieces, flight suit and vest. Should keep me busy for quite a while. For installing rivets through fabric, elastic,etc do you guys use a punch to make a hole or just use a knife to make a small hole? Just wondering about fraying down the road or if it’s even an issue? Replacing rivets is something I’d like to avoid. Full chest printed sideways. Fingers crossed this thing makes it over the two plus day print.
  15. Corey, thanks for that. I totally understand and one of the things that seems great about all this is the high standard to the CRL. I knew putting that helmet together that while it looks nice, it’s just not quite in keeping with the true shape. I’ll keep it around as a display but will work on Jesus’ model for my build. I had really been leaning that way but with yours and others comments on it, it’s an easy decision.
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