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WEBS last won the day on July 3 2022

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About WEBS

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    Dravosburg, PA

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    Kenneth Weber
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Star Killer Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. Here’s a picture of mine, I’ve had it for a few years now. My armor should be done soon for my squad leader, so it’s time to get all these things tuned up. Please feel free to throw some comments at me about what’s wrong with it lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I would love to see your finished version. I always enjoy seeing other peoples work! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I would still like to see your finished version. I always enjoy seeing other people’s work! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Much appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I’ll take em please. I’m aware of the rules for STL’s. Thank you Kennyjweber@gmail.com Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I do that same Little Trick lol Looks awesome!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thank you so much for your time and expertise! This will be most helpful for future prints. I definitely want my prints to be exact and not be questioned for everyone's benefit. I will contact Cults3D and love @ChrisA/your print! Thanks again!
  8. Hey Aradun, the length of my print is good and my friends. By "bigger" pieces that is a yes.... and my buddy sent me a side by side pict of my 19X next to his 19D and the 19D was "bigger" in width or bulk. His 19D was from Hyperfirm. My 19X from Imperial Arms. I want to help out my fellow troopers and friends as much as possible with printing, I dont wanna send them undersized versions. So I could possibly have the correct length but with the narrow profile....is this unacceptable for Pathfinder ROTJ Scout approval?
  9. I printed a 19X for my friend and its the same size as mine, the controversy of my issue is that hes comparing the 19X I printed for him to his 19D,which is bigger by comparison. Is there a specific length and width for the 19X I'm unaware of? Or is the the 19D just a bigger blaster in general? I should also add my 19X is from Imperial Arms. I got it before I started 3D printing. The version I printed for my friend is the exact size all around.
  10. I got the same exact light kit that Minamo posted from 3D Props. There was no instruction so the link posted is much helpful! My current E22 came assembled so I have to print a new one (Hero) to build around as I see no way to run all the wiring without tearing it to hell lol This thread is most helpful and thanks all!!
  11. Hey Eric, I'm about to start printing another E22,the one I have has already been assembled but I want to incorporate all the light and sound efx into the new one. My Squad Leader is underway and going to start on my ROTJ Scout any day now. Point being I believe I have a solid set of files for the E22 project and can possibly just multiply each piece for 2 blasters. Let me know if your still interested!
  12. Awesome and thank you!
  13. Well Fellas, I have great progress news! You guys might remember I got that bogus Scout Hemet from a vender not on the list. But...It just so happens I got into contact with my buddy Tim who made my Shadow Scout Boots. He had to take a hiatus for personal reasons ,but he's back in business and does amazing work! My first point being he wanted to do a trade for something off the rip and told him about the CC mistake I made but he wants it. $200 Quality Scout Boots for a non-approvable helmet...so I would say that situation worked itself out with a dash of irony. All I need now gentlemen is my Helmet from New Image and my Cod piece and the off white pouches I do believe I want. I am doing a ROTJ Scout which I will weather myself. So I am making progress, The trade is a life saver so I'm not spending cash, I am just a super busy kind of person, personally family stuff, My Mando side vs/ my Pathfinder Scout side, Preparations for my new business and everything else in-between. I did have one question that my boot maker brought up about an update in the CRL for the boots. Something about the dogbone pattern being pulled across the boots in a different way? He mentioned it was more of a "Screen Accuracy" update to the CRL and I trust him just wanted to run it past you guys or anyone that knows for sure. I am going for Lancer right off the bat and want to make the least amount of mistakes moving forward. Anyway just wanted to check in with you guys and I hope all is well. I'M SO CLOSE!!!!
  14. Absolutely! I will only give my opinion if I'm 100% on it... and for the price, quality, and ease of assembly(sewing excluded lol) that's what works for me!
  15. Hey Fellow Trooper, MonCals all the way my man!!! Definitely agree with Chopper on this. As my first build I did a shadow scout and was clueless where/who/what to buy and get quality Build Materials, but I had a AMAZING advisor to help me out so he shot off a few companies and first look at that beautiful black shiny armor I was sold! Got my White Scout armor not too long ago and its magnificent! MonCals FerShure!!!!!
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