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Everything posted by BAZLOCO

  1. @KOtrooper good question, I'll compare the armour to the current CRL to see if its meets requirements The armour may require updating or modification to make it work and could be easier to print
  2. I've been slowly acquiring various parts and items to begin my build thread. First time printing an entire set of armour (should be fun). I had previously purchased a set of 3d printed armour, but after receiving it, the armour appears old and not the most accurate. Armour Mr Pauls files ✔️ Nico's helmet ✔️ Softparts Imperial Boots (to be orderd) Jodhpurs (Steve Walker Facebook) received ✔️ Orca Bay boots - Sand colour received ✔️ Accessories E22 (3d printed) requires sanding /painting E11B (possible use https://www.3d-props.com/3d-files/e-11b-r1-files/ ) Electrobinoculars https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2762113 Paint Montana Gold Sahara Beige x 6 cans Montana Gold Concrete X 4 cans (base coat) Montana Gold Pebble White Montana Gold Shock Yellow Montana Gold Red Orange
  3. @TKZombie have a look on Mr Paul's Facebook page as he gives sizing / placement for this paint
  4. thanks for a great tutorial
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