Hey everyone. Sorry for the radio silence. Short-staffed at work, tending plants for the garden, being bummed out about COVID lockdown, and taking a calculus course for the first time in over 25 years has kept me away from my scout for a while.
I'm moving the plants from indoors to the garden this weekend, my calculus exam is on the 31st, our lockdown (theoretically) ends on June 2nd, and I'm getting my first vaccination jab on the 28th. The plan is that, after I turn in my exam, I'll work on getting my workspace cleaned up, and get back to work on both my scout and my stained glass.
Thanks for checking the thread, everyone, and special thanks to kacrut for specifically checking in. I'm a bit overwhelmed, but still optimistic.
Next check-in on or before 0000Z 01 June.
Stay safe.