Hola troopers! I'm excited to say I got my suit in good-enough condition to try out this Halloween and it was a great time! I've got quite a few adjustments & to-dos from it, but wanted to post some pics here and get any extra feedback from everyone, so I appreciate any comments.
Things I know I still need to do:
Attach the shoulder bells to the chest armour with zip ties
Build the vest
Taper the flight suit pants so they don't pile above the boots
Redo the boots (vinyl is too crinkled)
Attach pistol holster to right boot
Redo the pouches in heavier material
One question: With my 5'9" build, the gap between my chest armor and the belt when it's worn at the hips seems too small for the standard-size pouches. I could wedge the pouches between them so they lay flat, but then my chest armor rises up and isn't resting on my shoulders. Anyone have suggestions on how to get around this? I'd like to keep the belt at waist level per Lancer requirements.