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    Du Page County, IL

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  1. Great comments, really appreciate the guidance everyone!
  2. Thanks for the tips! I might have had the belt centered over the navel, so I'll try lowering it. Cool on the boots. I was judging how smooth they should be from this tutorial, specifically this image. Guess it's on the higher-standard end. My helmet is from user @troygordon2. I'm not sure how many he's made since my order back in December, but it's worked pretty well for me so far! I am still working on the internal padding to help make it comfy.
  3. Hola troopers! I'm excited to say I got my suit in good-enough condition to try out this Halloween and it was a great time! I've got quite a few adjustments & to-dos from it, but wanted to post some pics here and get any extra feedback from everyone, so I appreciate any comments. Things I know I still need to do: Attach the shoulder bells to the chest armour with zip ties Build the vest Taper the flight suit pants so they don't pile above the boots Redo the boots (vinyl is too crinkled) Attach pistol holster to right boot Redo the pouches in heavier material One question: With my 5'9" build, the gap between my chest armor and the belt when it's worn at the hips seems too small for the standard-size pouches. I could wedge the pouches between them so they lay flat, but then my chest armor rises up and isn't resting on my shoulders. Anyone have suggestions on how to get around this? I'd like to keep the belt at waist level per Lancer requirements.
  4. Never been a sewer before this project, and I'm trying to figure out how to actually sew on the thigh patches with a sewing machine. Can anyone say what the minimum amount of seam ripping of the flight suit legs is required to get them on? I.E. Can just ripping up the crotch area seams suffice, or is it better to rip the entire length of the legs apart for accurate fitting? I've found a few posts documenting how people did it but can't seem to get a sense of the least-problematic method. Is there maybe some way that doesn't involve seam ripping which I'm overlooking? Thanks!
  5. Great tutorial! I'm getting to work on my own boots this weekend. One question: In the original pictures you did not cinch down the lacing at all before gluing it seems. Assuming you tighten them up when you wear, would you recommended leaving them loose like that during construction? Seems to me it might wrinkle the vinyl during tightening if it is all glued on with slack laces?
  6. How have y'all gone about measuring the proper length of the elastic straps for the arm/leg armor pieces? I unfortunately don't have anyone to help measure while I hold the armor on myself, so looking for tips before I start cutting. I was thinking I could wrap the elastic comfortably tight around my bare arm/leg & cut approximately that size, then when I wear it over the jumpsuit it will be slightly stretched and hold well. Yay/nay on that route? Thanks
  7. Greetings from Chicago folks! I'm finally jumping on my smouldering interest in making a Scout Trooper costume after re-watching S1 of the Mandalorian in prep for S2! Super excited to find the 501st and all the great resources y'all have put together, now just trying to sort through it all and find the kit that's right for me! One question, with the various prefab armor options out there, do people have issues with the various body armor pieces needing size adjustments? I imagine the arm/leg pieces mostly fit all, but maybe there are some people with larger/smaller knees & arms and it's something I should watch out for?
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