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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by EdwinG

  1. I got slot 2 (at Grizzly Creek RW SP camp site), also facing the river though not sure I can see it šŸ˜„. Was looking for something close to 14 and 15 was available, but itā€™s more to the inside, its also closer to the road which I heard can get a bit noisy at night at times. I got it for June 2, check out on the 4th, but I might leave early to go to a hotel for Sat and Sun. Just got it the 2 days so I wonā€™t have to worry about packing up on the 3rd, the morning of the event. I can come back any time in the day and pack up things to head to a hotel or if that donā€™t work out, I got another night at the spot. Iā€™ll be up the forest from Whister. They say they have food lockers wonder the size, not that I carry much, mostly MREs and ready to eat type stuff. Anything else Iā€™ll just go to a restaurant. I got a 6 man tent (that sleeps 4, maybe) blackout type, I use a cot, sleep pad and my sleeping bag and Iā€™ll be off to la la land. Got a nice Mr Heater, just in case for those night. Anyway, so thereā€™s another spot to park if needed, till we get more news of events and hotels, at lease I got a hole to park my rear at for now. šŸ˜
  2. Which slot did you get? I was looking at the group site to see if multiple people wanted to go in, but it looks like it's taken for that time frame. Might get one later today. Going for the 2 of June so we can be near the photo area, but for Saturday might get a hotel, still debating.
  3. There is a group camping site at that location, havenā€™t checked if itā€™s available for that time frame but if we can get it we can have a group of people camping for a day or two. Iā€™m thinking of maybe camping Friday to do the shoot on Saturday, then get a hotel for Saturday and Sunday before heading home. Thinking of taking a few day before the weekend and a few days after. Also going to start taking my scooter apart this weekend. Hoping to put a bike together for the event, still thinking of how to transport if I do get it done, but weā€™ll see.
  4. Ah, ok, thanks for clarifying that, was wondering if something was wrong or just me. šŸ˜„ Guess it was me, noob here šŸ˜‚
  5. Thanks. Hey you know I was thinking about that, the ID they sent me said TK ID 10542, I was wondering if it was an error and should had been TB, unless that's how they sent the IDs.
  6. Thanks, and thanks a lot to you, AradunFF and all the other who gave input and help me on my way.
  7. So today was my day, very happy, finally got approved TK 10542 Reporting
  8. Hi just thought I show you my shoulder bridge zip tie setup. After looking at a few I came up with this which works for me. Two separate pieces using Velcro so that if needed, you can still adjust it to fit. First pieces raps around the bridge and attaches with Velcro. Then the other pieces just attaches to that also with Velcro. I just like to have everything adjustable incase I need to readjust of which Iā€™ve already done to shorten the gap between the shoulder armor and the bridge. Slightly different but everyone uses what works for them.
  9. Iā€™ve already submitted my app and sent some pictures to the Golden Gate Garrison GML. Got a reply back Monday stating they may be back logged and they will be looking into my pics within the next two week. So I guess itā€™s just a wait and see for now. Didnā€™t want to get into the making some boots but I guess Iā€™ll have to for level two, I do kind of like my boots, they are clean cut just not to the CRL Will be looking into which type of boot will work for me, I usually get wide so not all boot work for me to walk and stand for long periods of time, unless I can find them ready made but that can get costly. Saw a pair of canvas boots from Prada for like $790, someone must be on drugs. lol They looked almost like the ones I use to have (Sierra, back in the day) which only cost about $20. And so the search begins.... Oh well, weā€™ll see what happens, it is what it is.
  10. Kind of what I was thinking, that's why I mention the Shoe goo. Also was maybe thinking of putting a white strip (as in this picture) like everyone else does with their hiding boot setup, except instead of just the front of the boot, putting a strip all around the boot.
  11. Yeah, I'm going to see how I make the patterns or just draw on the fabric. I'm trying to come up with something that may give a little play for the CB. The Shoe-goo I was talking about was to some how hide the stitching on the boot cause on my boots it's exposed so I would have to maybe add some material or cover it in another way of which I was thinking white Shoe-goo. I was just wondering if anyone had ever tried or done something like that (sort of like a caulking, sealant type thing). It was just a thought.
  12. I was wondering if anyone ever used something else to cover the threads on the boots, like maybe white Shoe Goo Also does any one have a pattern on the cummerbund, cod and bags or just dimensions? The info Iā€™ve seen and I got is pretty much the dimensions of the set I have now which I donā€™t like or believe is correct. For sure the bags are 1 inch taller and wider. Trying to see if I can start on some smaller bags this weekend.
  13. I got to thank you guys, this is some good info, wish I've seen this earlier but itā€™s definitely cool and useful now. My first goal was to have something done by Halloween, that was done. Now Iā€™ve finished up on details to submit for basic and I believe I got that. Next is to refine things to try for Lancer so this info is extremely helpful. Everything Iā€™ve been trying to put together has been trying to follow the CRL for Lancer, as far as the armor is concern that is pretty much done minus the 2nd helmet I still need to finish. The boots and other soft parts is what I still need work with for Lancer and with this kind of info (and my new sewing machine) it'll help get me a few step closer to that goal, so yeah, thanks a lot. I was at Jo-Anns today and didnā€™t find the polished cotton or mercerized cotton that I would have like (did get the duck canvas and poly-fil stuff), they did have something close just not as shiny as the lady put it. Iā€™m going to check one another spot and if I donā€™t find it, Iā€™ll just go with the stuff from Jo-Anns. I when ahead and submitted my app to the 501 and also sent an e-mail to the GML of Golden Gate Garrison with some pics to get this all going. Now Iā€™m just wondering how long it might take before I hear anything back (like a little school kid, waiting for his test results. Lol ). Hopefully soon
  14. I have a question, in making the cummerbund, whatā€™s the best material/fabric to use?? In the CRL it states not to use canvas or duck cloth as used for the bags but in Studio Creations web site they state using two layers of duck cloth. The one I purchase from the recommended person on the SC site was made of duck cloth, same as the bags (which I donā€™t really like). CRL says polished cotton or mercerized cotton fabric for cummerbund and cod. Any insights, opinions or wisdom anyone want to share?? Looking to get some fabric to maybe make my own cummerbund and cod.
  15. Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen it yet. Great page, awesome ideas, will definitely be using it for reference.
  16. Yeah, thanks, It all comes back to the cummerbund. I did add Velcro to the vest Only in the front center, but it just seem to hang down still, it hard raising it, not much room. Was thinking about butting Velcro on the armor front to help in that, has anyone ever done it that way? Was wondering, but I am looking to make a different bund and separate cod which I can work with more, this set give no play for me.
  17. So Iā€™ve done a few fixes on the suit. I was thinking of sending these pics to the GGG in the Bay Area to try and get basic approval. I put them here first to see what you guys think. Fixes: Cut down the tail flap and made it much smaller, also tighten up the leg straps and brought them up about 1 to 2 ā€œ. On the Vest I took up the sleeves about an inch and added some Velcro on the front to attach to the cummerbund On the Cummerbund I added the Velcro for the bags and for the attachment to the vest. Things I will still be working on for possible level 2: I still want to make my own cummerbund and cod, I donā€™t like this one, and the maternal is the same as the bags which I thought are suppose to be different. The bags on this one are a bit to big to me, by about an inch both tall and wide, so Iā€™ll be making some new bags also. Iā€™m not to sure about the vest, I might try and tailor it a bit more. Iā€™m working on a 2nd helmet that more to level 2 specs The one I have I got on ebay from and guys who had it put together and he said it was just sitting there, it's a SC. I got it and it was a bit worse off than I thought so I took it apart and redid it also remove the old decals and put on some new one I got from Trooperbay. Iā€™m also working on another Jumpsuit that Iā€™ll be adding the suede to and which I like the fit better than the one I have done now. So... What say ye?? Good for basic or need more work?? I know there may a few things to me, but it's mainly with the cummerbund/cod and bags, I just got to get the right fabric and work on it. I got the fabric for the bags already, just need some time to cut up a pattern. Should had wore the belt a bit more lower in these pics, not really an issue. Was going to put in my submission, application and pictures, just wanted to get any last commends here. Anyway, any critiques and comments are welcome.
  18. The dangling straps on the drop boxes, I got a bit lazy I guess but I wanted to be sure they were dropped the right length before cutting, easy fix. My butt flap which is more like a butt cape, lol Iā€™ll be fixing this week. Itā€™s a few inches to long but on top of that, I think it may be to wide, so yeah, got to look it over more. The sleeves on the vest, you know I didnā€™t even notice that still you pointed it out. It only has ribbing on part of the sleeves as seen in the picture. The bottom half does not, is that going to be a problem??? I so would not recommend the person SC recommends, not happy with what I got and Iā€™ve notice some of the Velcro is coming off as it was not sewn that good. Iā€™m going to take up an inch on the sleeves also cause they are just a bit to long. Iā€™ll be adding some Velcro to the vest so it can attach to the cummerbund, the vest is short so I got to see how high I can get the cummerbund (without making me sing soprano) so it can make good contact with the vest, I guess about an inch should do for contact. The boots say Kamino Foot wear inside and seem real leather but some of the parts seem like they just used emberā€™s glue cause it seem to be coming out at a few areas. It doesnā€™t have any cross stitching in the back so I think Iā€™m good there but the top stitching for the soles was my concern, would that be a problem? The boots seem nice but the sole is not as deep as I would have like. Might need to get them resoled with some deep hiking threads. I did check the deal with the boots that have a cross stitch I the back. Iā€™ll be checking to see if I can get some wheat color acrylic paint to see how it looks Put the hole in the bottom of the back armor so the tank sits better. Little by little, I think Iā€™ll get most of it done this week.
  19. Words like these is what fuels the soul and keeps my dream alive, Thanks a lot
  20. Thanks for the input. Didnā€™t know the T-straps were still good for use but I do like what I came up with and itā€™ll help going for Lancer. The Velcro at the bottom of the flax vest is something I was thinking about but donā€™t like this cummerbund/pouches and the Vest need some work too. I need to shorten the sleeves. But I definitely will be adding Velcro. I also need to add Velcro to areas where the arm armor is and the knees so that theyā€™ll stay in a good spot and not move so much. The butt flap is big and I will be looking it over to size it right. My intention is to work on another jumpsuit I have and make that one Lancer worthy adding suede leather for the flap and other areas. Still working on removing all the zippers and pockets on that one. The leg straps I change from what was there (this is the suit I got from the Mexico fail set), I added elastic 2ā€ and made them shorter by about 2 or 3ā€, I also had taken in the legs cause they were very baggy. I kind of feel the straps may be to low on the leg and may raise them up some. The Tank I might do the hole on the bottom today to see how it fits. Iā€™m also working on a second Helmet with the seams fill hopefully also Lancer worthy. The boots is what Iā€™m wondering about making them look acceptable for lancer, but little by little itā€™s getting there. Just wondering how much more I might need to just make basic for now, was hoping to get it before my Birthday in a few weeks but oh well. Thanks again.
  21. One of the things that I was thinking about is the strap that joins the front and back armor at the shoulders. I first saw the T-strap and thought that was cool idea, but now it seems itā€™s no longer part of the CRL and they are requiring a zip tie so I had to think up and set up and I felt pretty good with what I came up with, you guys can tell me jay or nay on what you think. Iā€™m also curious about how some of you guys have put together your tank with the rivet/strap setup. The rivet seem to obstruct the placement being that it about a Ā¼ to Ā½ ā€œ thorn pushing into the back armor. I had to make a hole on top to aloud it to fit but Iā€™m wondering what to do about the bottom. Anyway, here are my pictures and setup, still a number of things to fix and trim but itā€™s coming along. Dog stealing my Thunder lol Just thought this was funny. lol Really love the black and white effect. Iā€™m here for advice and thoughts on how far I am for approval and any commends would be appreciated
  22. Been working on my build, itā€™s been a costly project with some results and some big miss. Been wanting to do this for ages and started going on the project this year. My first attempt to get a suit was from a group on ebay from Mexico. They cut the price for the set and made me an offer so I took it. It was supposed to include everything (already builded), after months on months waiting and trying to contact them I did get a box. It had a fiberglass set of armor but they didnā€™t sent the helmet, the belt or the cummerbund with pouches, I was not happy. The best part was the boots and the gloves, the other stuff was very bad quality so I complained to ebay and they got my money back and told me I didnā€™t need to ship the stuff back. So I got a pair of gloves and boots I could use for my trouble. My next try at getting a suit (with a lot more homework this time) was with Studio Creations. I was temped to buying the complete build but it would have taken a lot longer to receive so I went with the complete kit. It was a very nice kit but the instructions were outdated which has cause me to redo some things and almost had to order a new belt. It was nice to get the kit cause it did let me learn and build it to me (a lot of trial and error but you learn) and itā€™s been slowly coming along. I wanted it to use for Halloween and just about got it completed. What cost me with SC was the recommendation of the person that makes the cummerbund/pouches and flax vest. I order a set believing that since SC stuff was 501 approved, so would be the people they recommend. It so was not the case. I got the set and although could be made useable, I wasnā€™t sure it would pass 501 basic and for sure not Lancer (which I was hoping to one day get). The cummerbund and cod were one piece, no give (as in very tight) and the cod strap is 1 Ā½ inch not 2ā€ as in the CRL The pouches are 7ā€ x 6ā€ not 6ā€xā€œ5 so they are a bit large seating over the belt for me and the top flap is not the width of the top as per CRL, it is 3ā€x3 Ā¾ā€, so I will be needing new one for sure. I guess for a taller person the pouches might have worked but Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ so they are not good for me. On the vest, the sleeves seem to long. Iā€™m trying to keep to the CRL but it seems if you want it done right, you might just need to do it yourself. Was thinking of ordering a new set from this person in Bolivia on Etsy which seem very nice, but that would be another $200 and I donā€™t know how long in the waiting time, so still debating. One of the most pain in the B, for me is sewing the straps, mainly the Velcro hook part to the straps, my fingers where screaming for mercy with all the jabbing and stabbing and it was taking hours to just finish one strap. I talked to my sister and she said ā€œwhy donā€™t you buy a sewing machineā€, I was like Hmm, I should have thought about that but Iā€™ve never used one. I went ahead and did buy one and so wish I had done so years ago. Finished most of my straps in one day (with quite a few errors but itā€™s a learning thing) and now doing my own hem and was able to tailor my jumpsuit in a few hours (took months trying to figure out how to make it look better), hemmed up the legs and arms and took in the baggy legs to make for a better fit. The machine will be so useful just not sure I brought the right one or the best for the job or me but it is what it is. This has been a wild rider and a great experience and Iā€™m hoping to make basic soon. Iā€™ve always wanted to make a Stars Wars costume and had done a Jawa and Yoda characters (also a Darth Vader) back in the day, way back, but my first setup I loved was Boba Fett, second was the Scout Trooper. The Scout Trooper seems a bit easier to deal with and but together so I went with that (hopefully in the future, Iā€™ll attempt a Mandalorian).
  23. Actually, I really didn't want to have to paint it, that's why I try working with the ABS paste. The color doesn't really look bad to me but I do have a lot of smoothing to do. I added some more ABS paste to try and fill some of the indents and hopefully even it out better. I'll take another picture once I sand it down some. I need to get me some higher grit sandpaper, all I got is 100 and 200 right now. Another trip to the hardware store.
  24. Thx for the info, I could see it so I didn't know. Trying to share from google hope it works
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