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PFD Recruit
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    USA, Nebraska

501st Information

  • Name
    Jesse Magnussen

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  1. Hello there cant wait to see more of your progress, very impressive! I have a question if you don't mind I was hoping you had an answer for me. I've downloaded Sean's awesome free files but for the life of me I cannot figure out which chest folder to use? I am confused
  2. Hello there I am getting ready to start printing Sean Fields files as well and am running into the same problem, already have the helmet printed but can't figure out which files to use so I don't have to make any cuts HOPING perhaps you figured this out?!
  3. Just wanted to thank you for giving me access to your WONDERFUL files roughly a month ago, I wanted to share with you the progress I have made to date. Also I am stuck on how to attach the tank to the back armor, and was wondering if you could share your process on that, If not to biggie I will figure something out. Again I absolutely appreciate you sir you are making a childhood dream of mine come true!

    Can't thank you enough,

    2021-05-27 08.19.24.jpg

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