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DukeMedic last won the day on September 6 2020

DukeMedic had the most liked content!


33 Excellent

About DukeMedic

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    Mebane, NC

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  1. I agree, while i have not gotten my product he has been great at communication...its just the world we live in now Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately the government declared a quarantine and closed the borders until some weeks ago. For that reason, I am delayed with many orders. Your order will be ready to send out within two weeks. It will be sent via FedEx by the delayed. I will appreciate your patience. If it is not ok for you, please let me know to resolve friendly. Sorry for the inconvenience. Best Regards, Christian
  2. The boots are single tone, it may be blurred with my wood floor You can view my shared album on the web: Scout Trooper
  3. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJA4TMBy/ The amount of shame I have right now for making this a Tiktok 7/10.... I bought a pair of boots from: Scoutboots off his Etsy account, see link belong and hit that favorite button https://www.etsy.com/shop/ScoutBoots?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=806431700 Communication was great, product is good, I would recommend. Not to mention he is a teacher IRL and we need to support these guys. If you need a pair of boots, this is your guy!
  4. Guys, I was a moron and bought what i thought were 2 clips, enough for the bag. Instead I bought 30... the cost is insignificant but enough that i don't want to toss in a drawer and forget it. If you need 2 clips like this for your bag, send me a PM with your addy and $1 and ill drop it in the mail in a envelope and stamp.
  5. Condolences
  6. https://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html I wanted to give my humble review of this Vendor. 1. I am a repeat customer from the way back and I went back to SC again, I looked at the comparison pics on this forum and I liked what I saw. 2. I am a taller trooper and this armor is perfect for me, no mods needed. 3. This should not be the expectation, as we all know as costumers, creation takes time, but the Force was with me and Jeff had some in stock. I was expecting a month, I had it within a week. Emailed with tracking information and I watched it come from Atlanta. I bought the pre-trimmed kit and its amazing. If you are in question about Vendors, SC is the way to go!
  7. following, just bought a SC kit. looking forward to the build
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