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501st Pathfinder
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About shaggy13

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    So. Cal.

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
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  1. Always at least 4 walls, and no less then 15% infill
  2. It’s official I am a Scout Trooper!!!!
  3. Work has been crazy busy, I was only able to work on my Scout in between slow periods so I really didn't get to note and take pictures of my build. Soft parts came out great from XChris909X. For the armor I only had to do some minimal reshaping for the det. box and bells. Submitted my photos and now I have to start taking pictures of the Lancer requirements.
  4. Little update Finished up my 3D printed EC-17 that I received the files from @MrPoopie and working on my 3D printed DLT-19X that I got the files from surfinbird132 on cult3d. On the DLT I'm recessing the magnets on the receiver to be flush as pointed out from @AradunFFDLT WIP. I have a box full of armor that I'm slowly working on adding the strapping to.
  5. But for Lancer it has to be the folded collar right?
  6. My business has been busy so not much for updates. I did get all my soft parts from xchris909x and the first thing I have to do is remove the flap for the mandarin collar to coincide with the new CRL.
  7. Thank you Mickey for the info. XChris909X has been very helpful (it helps that he works one city over) on making everything proportional for me. I'll look into Scout Team Six right now.
  8. Hello fellow Scouts, I will be building my scout with all the Lancer requirements up front just in case I submit for Lancer. I'm a taller guy 6'4" so some modifications might be needed to make this work. Helmet: PilotBay Armor: PilotBay Fightsuit, Flak Vest, Cod and bund/pouches: XChris909X Boots: Crowprops, finished by PilotBay Gloves; WampaWear Balaclava: Amazon EC-17: MrPoopie 3-D file DLT-19X: Surfinbird132
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