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TB-61231 last won the day on October 5 2024

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About TB-61231

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  1. The DLT-19x is used for example in the new Battlefront 2. Return of the Jedi is really just EC-17 (and the Duffel Bag).
  2. Nothing wrong with the EC-17! I just thought the idea is cool to have a greater choice of what you can carry and interact with during a troop. But I totally agree that especially video games and their loadouts could be a thin line. And it don't have all to be in a CRL. The canon thing is as I could see not this important for a CRL (for example I thought the DLT-19x is canon as imperial sniper and the DLT-20a not so much) but as @BikerScout007 said it is a point that is decided for events in your local garrison (there could also be an event where no weapon is allowed).
  3. @TreeHuggerMatt Yeah, i saw this look, too. It looks not like the old Battlefront variant. I don't have to decide anything like this either but I would say you could probably try it with a pic from the game (I don't know how the mobile game looks) which shows a Scout with this variant of the rifle.
  4. Congratulations from me, too.
  5. I looked after the E-11s after your post and I found that it is also used in the old Battlefront 2 for example. The game isn't canon but for a CRL the Canon-Status isn't important as long as I know. The canon-status could be important on some events when it is said by your local Garrison but it is also the question how hard they look on thing like weapons and co. I think a problem with the E-11s could be the look. I found different looks of teh rifle while the Scout Trooper version in Battlefront 2 (2005) and potentially also the old Battlefront 1 seams to be similar to the Dlt-19x. The Piture should be from one of the old Battlefronts. The macrobinoculars are also something that could fit in the Scout Trooper Crl.
  6. Yeah, I dont follow them either. 😂
  7. It should be from the Doctor Aphra Comic series or any similar where she appears, so it should be canon and I saw it on the Star Wars fandom wiki site. Scout trooper | Wookieepedia | Fandom And yes, it should not be any problem on troops, but I didnt want to carry it without any source and this is the first official source I saw a Scout with an E-11. I think the other art pictures you can find are not official.
  8. Hi, I found a picture today with some Scouts were the second and third from the left side are carrying E-11 Blasters, and cause I thought there is not one reference for that, I think maybe someone could be interested in it. Im not sure if it could work for a CRL adding, but maybe some fellow Scouts would like to carry an E-11 and are interested in an official looking reference for it.
  9. Looks great, but I think the bigger helmet would have gone too. But this one also fits. Very nice!
  10. I did the main box / speaker under the flight suit and let the wires go up under flight suit and Balaclava.
  11. At the Kashyyyk Trooper Officer I bring it on before the CRL gets released. The Clone Officers at Battlefront 2 are using one DC-17 pistol as primary standard weapon. Hope not to annoy you too much. 😅
  12. Looks really nice! Seperatist / Battle Droid Weapons were rarely seen.
  13. I didn`t saw it before the CRL gets released. Maybe it isn`t so important at all but I thought I could mention it. It is the same with the Shoretrooper Officer who uses the RK-3 pistol as standard weapon of an Imperial Officer in the game, but Im not sure if any CRL uses the RK-3 at all.
  14. Hi, Im not totally sure if this is the right place for it but I saw there is a new CRL for the Shoretrooper Heavy. Even if I do not want to make one of them, I looked at it and was wondering why there is no DLT-19 listed in the optional accessories section. The DLT-19 is the primary standard weapon for the Imperial Heavy Troopers in Battlefront 2, also for the Shoretrooper Heavy, so I thought I mention it here that I think it should get added to the Shoretrooper Heavy CRL.
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