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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by zollida

  1. So do i m still on your list or we have to resubmit again
  2. PM sent as well..i m interested
  3. i agree with styrene due to the fact that it can be strengthen with proper priming and also ease on drill through work comparison with fiberglass ..for paint job wise it will definitely more friendly verses fiberglass
  4. no worries mod..u can remove my topic since there is already one in place...i m fine with it...to avoid confusion, and this is what team work and fans are for...
  5. hi all As BARC has few piotorial info available in the community...i took the chance to make screenshot from the movie EPIII and divide them under various sections as reference and to show my support for the group here. The photo album is divided into 4 parts, Headgear, backpack, boots and misc. Hope to contribute my part cos i don; have a vaccum machine to make the armour but hope this will help Mod if need to move to another section pls do so since i m not sure where to put in BARC BARC overall photos section http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/AOSW/BARC/ Headgear http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/AOSW/BARC/headgear/ Backpack and pouches http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/AOSW/BARC/backpack/ Boots http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/AOSW/BARC/Boots/ Misc parts http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/AOSW/BARC/misc/
  6. to all u too have my commitment both time and money on this project...will be glad to do one and representing Singapore outpost ... zol/tb3132
  7. wow this is good news for us ....definitely worthy to invest in another project for BARC...i will definitely volunteer to invest my time and money to support this project...u have Singapore outpost commitment on this.. Zol/ TB3132
  8. Ya i agree and second that madphisto....and also if u are still keen to make duplicate run on the armour..i will be happy to be fund this operations..lol u know what i meant...we can probably form a whole new world order with BARC... seriously, if u have intention to produce extra,,,, do let us fans know...will be happy to support u... thks don /TB3132
  9. Hey Kbeck seriously if the build is fantastic...and suggest that if u can make runs on it...i will be the first to buy from u and ur team... so are u making the full armour...i have actually been researching on the paintwork of BARC...and it seems to me that is panzer color belongs to oak leaf type...see attached pictures lower left large image, ignore the rest of the images i can share more on the color scheme with u for sure...but really keen to acquire one and from the pics. the mastermanship is good. thks zol aka TB3132
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