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About TKID51360

  • Birthday 05/05/1982

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  • Location
    West mifflin, pa

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  • 501st Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/26514-are-you-wanting-a-dlt19-or-a-dlt19x-made-interests/&share_tid=26514&share_fid=2091901&share_type=t&link_source=app ARE YOU WANTING A DLT19 OR A DLT19X MADE? INTERESTS Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you
  3. Yes I have two of each of these .
  4. So I did an inventory on my parts when I got them but any idea which hip boxes im suppose to use? Doing a ROTJ scout.
  5. Please do hopefully my build helps you we are all working together here.
  6. The visor is gonna need trimmed to sit flush against the cap of the helmet . What is the best way to fasten the visor and face mask together while they dry used my vise grip plyers to hold the top and bottom together worked well. Or at least better then me holding them while they dried i did that first and was super hard to keep my hands straight with out cramping.
  7. Awesome ty for the advice how does the alignment look? So I didn't like the alignment looked like it was leaning to the right and didn't think the top was high enough so I readjusted before it dried. Updated picture
  8. Awesome ty for the advice how does the alignment look?
  9. That way I can still move it and tweak it before it completely hardens
  10. I had the thought to use air dry foam clay had originally bought it to make custom pads for the inside of my bucket
  11. Anyone have a good tip for temporally holding the two pieces together before filling in the gap with abs putty? Currently using masking tape to hold the parts together .
  12. Just got my armor the other day and everything is here im gonna start with the helmet because thats the part of it that I like most of the whole kit. Plus I think it will take the most time to get right. My kit is a studio creations kit.
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