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501st Pathfinder
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MikerScout last won the day on November 8 2021

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209 Excellent


About MikerScout

  • Birthday 09/03/1975

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Maine, USA
  • Interests
    I like all the things. I'm a hobbyist, motorcycles, ham radio, models, video games and of course STAR WARS!

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  • 501st Garrison
    New England Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: The Mandalorian

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  1. I used artists oil paints following Christine's tutorial. I ended up using one color mostly. The thing I like about the oils is you can "wash" them off with Isopropyl alcohol and start over if needed. I don't know if acrylics are removable. Here is a link to my build if you want to check it out.
  2. bummer... rest easy pathfinder
  3. I really like having the bund separate for a couple reasons. 1. It adjusts independently of the bund so you're always getting a solid fit. 2. You can take only the cod off if you're crafty which is great for going to the bathroom . I went with the ozark trail boots myself. They are fairly comfortable and are screen accurate. You will need to paint/weather the visible part of the sole to make the CRL "one color" requirement. A little krylon camo sand color and your weathering paint nails it. Making the boots is quite fun, at least I thought so. I wish I had gone a half or full size bigger than what I normally wear though for ease of getting in and out of them. Also, I think as the vinyl shrinks a little it tightens things up. Get your tank attached then start mocking up the sides to your body. I used some 2" painters tape to attach things together. I had my wife mark with a pencil then cut a little bit with the Dremel sanding drum. refit it, re-marked, re-cut... wash, rinse repeat, until I got it good. You really need your soft parts to final fit your armor though as it all works together. If you look at the bottom of page 2 of my build you'll see what I mean. It's a good exchange between fitting and advice from the armorers here.
  4. Nice! You're going to have a lot of fun with this build!! I put together my pouches and bund from patterns I got from these forums then changed them up a bit to work with the mando scout. I used a LOT of ideas and tricks from "Christina's build". I really liked how she set up her torso to come apart and her cod piece. I used her weathering technique too only instead of two paint colors I only used one. If you have not checked out her build I highly recommend it!! http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/21567-scout-trooper-the-mandalorian-approved-christinas-build/ I wish I had gone with WTF's armor as that is what was screen used. Kudos to you on that!! For trimming just work your way in a little at a time. Get it all roughed out. As you build it you may find that you need to go more. baby steps, remember you can't put it back on once you cut it off lol. Do you have your marine vinyl yet for your boots? If you need help with anything feel free to reach out.
  5. There are some good patterns on here for the bags and bund, that's what I used. I also use a separate cod piece that is not sewn to the bund. It makes it very easy to adjust and with us mando scouts things kind of sit weird in the mid section because of the sloppy look. Check out Christina's build, there are TONS of great ideas in there. I can't wait to see this progress, reach out if you have questions!
  6. I like this idea. I have yet to take an airsoft gun to armor. I would think most BBs would bounce off but having been pelted before I'm sure a couple might get through rarely. I think a bigger risk would be crush damage from diving for cover or falling. You'll probably see splits and cracks develop much much faster than normal.
  7. I have one I got at WalMart, I have seen them at Target. It's a plushies with a soft plastic head. They come with different grins and smiles depending on which you buy. I weathered a little to give him some detail. He hides out in my bag. Never, ever has anyone from our garrison given me a hard time time about him and he's always a big hit with kids. Often times I leave the bag on our table with his head poking out as a side prop. I have dreamed of the $400.00 one, but that's a ton of money imho.
  8. I just use the scout and tk loop. I keep the low so they are not over powering. I have not seen a mando specific one anywhere
  9. Merry Christmas to all of you!! I hope your day was peaceful and relaxing
  10. My bag was very "yellow" compared to an original. I you have an original vintage bag the color should match the Rothco belt perfectly. I dyed mine using a mix of coffee and earl gray tea. I soaked it quite long and did 3 sessions. I then used the artists oil paints mentioned above to dirty it up
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