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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by MAD1_TK45001

  1. Salutations one and all... HERE WE GOO!! As I stated, the armor now pertains to my son. Uncle same came through (taxes) πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ So onward for the Empire. I've noticed there's two types of coveralls that are used, Redkap and Kolossus? What's recommended zipper or snaps??
  2. Sweet... ill will definitely bring him along
  3. UPDATE Salutations one and all... unfortunately with the holidays it was an all stop on the armor building. but I bring good news. I have a son with needs and him watching me build the scout he asked if he can have it. Since I am all ready 501st I'm passing the armor to him. On Jan he will turn 18, so starting next year I will be purchasing his flight suit and soft parts. So he can join the ranks.... I will most indubitably be purchasing another set of armor for myself. Thank you one and all for all your advice and help... Long live the Empire! MAD1 TK.45001
  4. Good to know... thanks again champ!
  5. Thank you AradunFF... You guys rock and are awsome!! Thank you one and ALL!! As for the tank, on top where the greeblie is to the left the is a red square, What's the size?
  6. Quick update... Armor is 99.9 % finished. Now to have the wife try and make the soft parts. Should be purchasing boots by next month ill be attempting to fabricate them myself. Hoping the holidays don't put a damper on my spending limits... πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Sorry don't have pics to upload... I'm not liking the drop box method, pasting a link. My apologies...
  7. Good morning one and all... Here goes nothing... 😁😁😁 Hoping to meet up with a good mentor and finish my armor today at the Armor Party!!
  8. The only decals that were sent were the bucket decals.
  9. Is the armor party still a go!??? Looks like rain in the forecast...😞😞😞
  10. As for the tank decals, what size are they and what did most of you use?
  11. Morning unfortunately it won't let me upload any more pics... AAAAND I was hoping to get off work Friday morning and finish most of the armor.... but I got overruled by my wife and she made it a Fam wknd... damn YOU woman!!! Hahahahaa 🀣🀣🀣
  12. Good morning one and all... well, looks like I I SHOULD be finishing the armor by today. The bucket is were I most confused...
  13. Salutations.... thank you, YOU just answered my question.. I WAS about ta ask on my thread about the t bit on the biceps (circles face front or back) so I know which is right from left... πŸ˜πŸ™‚πŸ˜πŸ™‚
  14. With the elastic inside the tank securing it with rivet...
  15. as for the belt boxes. These tend to have a lil lip, should I sand down to make them flush or just leave them? for the slits do I cut closer to green line red line or in the middle?
  16. Morning and Salutations one and all... for the rivets, are they set from the outside or inside?
  17. Sweet.... will do I've been using double sided tape for now. Thanks bud...
  18. So... TD finished. As far as the back/tank goes I haven't put rivets cause I wanna know if placement of top greeb is okay. For the biceps, glued the Ts and put hooks but what do you all use to secure them in the inside (I put green tape fir now) Any and ALL feed back would be most appreciated....
  19. Damn kid.... thanks
  20. Sorry... it was ment to be on the first post. Don't know how it posted another thread? Sorry
  21. Unfortunately my work schedule and life has put me in a pause with my build... I am more of a visual guy, so I've been doin vids and pics... So I would appreciate it VERY much if you can send me pics of your armor and how it's put together inside and out... 323.359.0497 Thanks in advance... MAD (future scout)
  22. Here goes nothing... so it begins
  23. Crap!... Got stuck at work...
  24. awsome... Question. Would it be best with a computer or would phone be okay?
  25. Salutations... I've noticed you didn't paint the inside of your bucket, you used padding? May I inquire what and how? Thanks
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