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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by LorahJanin

  1. After being sick for 2 months finally started working again! https://imgur.com/wxZbkLU (Having the worst time posting pictures here hah)
  2. Been a slow couple weeks as more things arrive. Filled the air bubbles on the snout and sanded them ( picture does not show the sanding done), The eye bags are now gone too! Was difficult but did the best I could! And started on the shirt. found a material that will allow me to rib and also is adhesive so I can just iron my jersey fabric to it once I finish sizing it up!
  3. Thanks! I will try and figure out how to that!
  4. Worked on the bucket this past weekend Need to fix up the air bubble chips on the bottom of the snout. I've also been wondering about the black eye bags, I've seen various different shapes, is there a certain shape/ length they should be? and should I sand these down and replace them when I put the visor in if they are wrong? The second image in the link below show what they look like on my bucket. https://imgur.com/a/C7Y2CIr
  5. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚oh man, you know it is a friday when. Thanks!
  6. I was looking over the CRL and the Vanguard Standards and it doesn't specify 12 recessed areas, maybe I over looked a section? Below is a copy and past of the CRL (the VS only specifies colour) Thoughts? Thanks! Forearms Forearm cover strips are raised and bevelled with a added strip layer on top. Raised section with a hard corner. Contains twelve recessed areas. Right forearm is tan with moderate weathering. Left forearm is tan with moderate weathering. There is horizontal grey-blue stripe on the elbow side and a yellow horizontal stripe directly below it. The yellow stripe begins approximately above the fifth recessed section from the wrist end of the forearm, and ends approximately just below the eighth recessed section from the wrist end of the forearm. The grey-blue stripe begins at the bottom of the eighth recessed section from the wrist end of the forearm, and covers the remainder of the elbow end of the forearm. The forearm maybe be shortened to fit the wearer but the yellow and grey-blue stripes must be made proportionately smaller. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Armour base color is Sahara Beige. Blue color is layered Ford Nordic Blue,light spray of Matt black and grey aging spray. Yellow color is Flat yellow.
  7. Yeah even with the sleeves they would be too large, also dang I totally forgot about the recessed areas. I could probably figure something out with the ones I have with a lot of tampering and then casting for a mold of some sort once I know exact dimensions I'd need.. Thank you so much!!
  8. As I am still waiting for my helmet due to slow covid transit and wanting to order Mr Paul's buckles (Canada is not accepting Air mail though from the UK at the moment is seems... so who knows when I will get those..and the boots.) Figured I would try and sort out some sizing logistics. While looking at the reference picture has helped slightly I still need some help! So was fiddling with the shin pieces. I was trying to find out where exactly the knees are supposed to be in relation to the top part. The top part hits around mid knee for me, I still have all movement and motion and can sit down and climb stairs (with slight difficulty but I think that was more due to balancing so they wouldn't pop off) Does this look okay or should I shorten them slightly? I would rather not have to adjust anything on them as that means having to adjust and then support where it was cut and then put back together. Thoughts? Next are two that I know will need to be trimmed... As of right now, with difficulty of figuring out exactly where the front torso piece should be, in the picture below I have it at my hips, which then causes the top part to stick out alot ...causing the chest plate to not then be able to sit properly. 1) do I have it to high? 2) would trimming an inch off the top help to fit betting with curves and underarms and such? and then lastly (sorry for all these questions...) Arm pieces. (Sort of hilarious trying to get them to all stay to take a picture with out them falling all by myself) - The upper arm piece (when in place properly) seems to fit well (in the picture it is sitting a bit low because it was slipping) so my 2 questions here are: 1)the shoulder piece, does it look like an appropriate size? I know it will sit slightly higher when I have the full armor on. 2) the forearm most definitely needs to be a bit shorter. I'm thinking by about an inch and then I'll have to take it in too because I don't have like any muscle there at all (I have a plan for doing that) I'll definitely will have to reinforce the forearm parts a lot... but I don't see any other way to keep it on even once I have the shirt the size that it is it would always be sliding off. ( definitely would look like one klutzy shore trooper having to pick up their arm pieces all the time) Thoughts? (Also thanks you guys are amazing)
  9. Here is an image! Not the easiest to show, to make it flat I'd have to sand it down but if i did it would leave a hole, it does this on both sides.
  10. Perfect! I was actually wondering how to fix those thin spots, wasn't sure if it was just mine or not. Most of them are on the detail parts of my arm pieces, do you think it would also work to fix sections that weren't molded properly? There are a a couple spots on my lower arm casings and the belt piece for the detonator that what it looks like were pinched and stick out where as they should be smooth ( I could take a picture if needed) Also thank you so much!
  11. Oh perfect! I will have to get something like that. Thanks! And I've heard of the sludge from my friend making a Clonetrooper, but I don't remember what it was for or how to do it. Is there information on here about that? Thanks!
  12. Thanks! I'm part of shoretrooper fam! I found out about it a little while ago, lots of information and things there! and Captain.
  13. Hey guys! Finally got my armour! I've decided to post a WIP because I know I'll need help. 5'4" curvy female who wants to possibly get vanguard. Let's see if that is possible? πŸ˜› Shore Trooper Captain Bucket – Imperial Surplus Armour – Imperial Surplus Neck Seal – (making myself) Shirt – (Making myself) Pants – (Making myself) Boots – need to order Belt – need to order Gloves – Endor Finders Pouch – Original M65 SMG Ammo Pouch Balaclava – Amazon Blaster – E22 or E11? Buckles and straps – Mr. Paul's Paint Yellow – Shock Yellow Montana Gold Blue – Express Paint – Ford TO/XSC Light Blue Aging Spray – (Need) Movie Paint Removable Aging Spray 11 Oz Red – Toyota Super Red 3E5 Helmet Circle – Montana Gold - Red Orange Primer – Dark Walnut Rust-Oleum Spray Paint - Home Depot? Tan – Montana Gold - Sahara Beige Black – Montana Gold -Shock Black White –Montana Gold - Flat Matte White of some sort... Top Coat? Weathering paint Just going to drop a little to do list for myself here... find out where I can buy more abs plastic and plastezote foam (not all pieces are in the picture)
  14. Hi Logan! I'm also new to this too! Hoping to do a shoretrooper also as they are SO cool. Dart mentioned about getting the soft parts is what I'm working on first. Have you checked out the costumes list? https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Pathfinders_CRL Do you know if you want to do the Captain, Grunt or Squad leader yet? Some of the soft parts you can start looking for are: -Balaclava -Neck seal < on Etsy there are options to buy one of these there which is what I'm looking to do -Shirt -Gloves -Blet- nylon straps -Pouches -Trousers -Boots I don't know if any of that helps but hopefully we can help each other on this journey!
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