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  1. As a person with a WTF helmet that didn't work out, I can positively say: abandon ship! Buy a kit from someone who isn't going to sell you bullshit b-grade vacuformed parts, then blame it on you when the shitty parts don't line up. Worst decision of my pathfinder career thus far.
  2. My wife and I went to Dragoncon this past weekend and brought our little one along to complete our costume team. We had such a great time and gave me some time to really appreciate my costume. Also gave me some time to reflect on what needs to be finished so I can submit to my garrison, as well as what needs to be fixed or upgraded. I thought a lot of stuff was good enough before I wore it all day, so things have definitely be updated on the to-do list! I made my wife’s Leia costume as well as put together an easy comfortable outfit for my 15 month old. She had a blast, especially when we met Yoda! I also bumped into an active member and was flattered when she thought I was a member as well. can’t wait to finish it up and submit so I can start working on my next outfit! (Probably a shoretrooper to stay in the pathfinder lane.)
  3. KOtrooper, any pics of the fan setup? I'm curious on this and want to see what others have done before.
  4. I took my chances and printed it at 100% and it fits pretty good for me. I'm not sure what size my head is in terms of hats but this one has worked out great.
  5. So I got quite a snag on my wtf helmet and I all but gave up on it, but in the meantime I bought some 3D printer files from Jesus Salmeron and it seems these print amazing. I’ve seen a few people print this but no one has really followed up to see whether or not they’ve made it 501st acceptable. So I’m almost there but before I spend a week sanding and painting, I wanna make sure what I’m working with so far is looking like it’s going to be acceptable for basic clearance. Pics below, it’s still a wip so bear with me, but please do sound off on what I need to do, if anything. Thanks in advance!
  6. Any update on your bucket? My kit is a nightmare and I'm seriously like 20 minutes away from buying Jesus' model and printing up my own. It's 501 accepted once the holes are cut out right?
  7. Yeah that rounded portion near the pivot point seems too long to fit in the area, and I heated it up to possibly reshape then changed my mind a little. I'll have to have it all in hand again to be able to use your suggestions effectively. I'm sitting here bored at work just dreaming of sanding on this thing right now. Ugh!
  8. Got the bucket lined up fine. I’m good with bondo, so that’s no sweat. It’s just the fear of over trimming and having to sand a ton more or build something up after I’ve messed it up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Mainly where the pieces have lined up. I’m worried I’ve trimmed too far. Return edges and whatnot. Mine is still in pieces. The dome is all put together but the visor lining up with the dome and the face. Thanks!
  10. Bumping this in hopes my helmet can be saved before I trim too much. Anyone with a WTF helmet got any pics of their lines they trimmed down to? Your mostly finished pictures have given me an idea but while waiting for stuff to dry I've been nipping and trimming and I'm afraid to do anymore without some sort of ref pics. Any help possibly?
  11. Yeah I'm from the world of customizing 1:12 scale action figures so I'm used to fixing tiny mistakes so little problems like support marks hardly phase me anymore!
  12. Straight up. I put a thick brim on it and stood it straight up. Bridging hasn't been a problem either. Works like a charm.
  13. Yeah the files have a piece that can be printed with or without the bipod. I think the rifle in general looks way sleeker without one.
  14. Absolutely! I printed on a Creality CR-10 v1. Pretty much straight out of the box it worked like a champ. Files are free from thingiverse (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3940279) and it printed perfectly in scale, no need to mess with the scale settings. Cheap filament because I intended on sanding and painting so color didnt match. It has been an experience setting up 12hour prints and going to bed/work, but I'm excited to get this sanded this weekend and start painting.
  15. Been a while in quarantine and still working night shift at a job where there is nothing to do but watch youtube vids. So naturally, I fell down a rabbit hole and long story short, bought myself a 3d printer. My goal for my first big print was the DLT-19x to accompany my Scout Trooper I'm currently working on. I finally got it all printed after about a week straight and it looks so good! Haven't glued everything yet as I want to sand a bit to minimize the layer lines as much as possible. Also need to get some airbrush paint to give this baby a sweet paint job. All in all, I'm stoked it turned out so well especially since my 3d print experience started about 2.5 weeks ago. More pics to come as I finish her up! Thanks for looking!
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