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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Pituitor

  1. Still waiting on Boots before I submit for 501st approval, so I can't join the virtual May the 4th Troop (I still donated tho!) but I wanted to take a few above-the-knee photos to celebrate! May the 4th be with you all!
  2. I''m wrapping up the portions of the build that I will be making, just waiting on boots from CheeseWhoopy, then I'll begin my application. In the mean time I have a couple hiccups that I need to sort out on the helmet.There is some paint bleed that i am gonna tidy up with isopropyl alcohol but I have some e6000 glue residue on the from of my lense where it dripped and I am wondering if the rubbing alcohol will help there or if it will erode the lense?. I also have an issue where the edge of the dremel bit into the helmet while I was cutting out the ear holes. It wasn't as noticeable before, but since I have painted the inside black it is much more apparent. Does anyone have any tricks for covering it up? I am locked down in a small apartment for probably another month so space and resources are limited, but I would love any recommendations. Thanks for the help!
  3. Awesome, thanks for another helpful tip. Everyone here has made the whole build so much easier and less stressful! i really appreciate it.
  4. Hi y'all, I was hoping to get some feedback on the snout painting and greeblie before I glue everything in place. Does this look ok?
  5. @Stroker Thank you, those references will help a lot. Hopefully I can get that finished today so my neighbors don't have to deal with the noise from the Dremel anymore 😳
  6. My Thoughts are that I should take in the top line so that it is straight across without the dip in the middle, and that I should round out the sides a little.
  7. Working on getting the bucket finished finally. I have cut out the front but the dremel jumped once and I have to improvise a bit. I would love some feedback before I glue the eye piece in place.
  8. I'm in a similar boat, SC armor came the same day as the Shelter In Place order haha.
  9. @troygordon2 Thank you, this has definitely been a learning experience in terms of sewing. And looking back, this thread has become a timeline of my hair growing out apparently. Best of luck on your build and let the delivery gods smile down on your packages coming from SA!
  10. Sounds good, I'll try to adjust once I have gloves and boots and will see how it all shakes out.
  11. To fix this, should I make new pouches which are 5 or 5.5 in. tall? And if I do should I bring the width in an inch as well to keep the rectangular shape?
  12. Ah that makes sense, I think I remember reading that in a thread about SC armor and just hoped my height would counter it! I used a template I found here, the pouches are 6 inches tall with a 2 inch tab which attaches to the bund. The cumberbund is 8 inches tall to account for the total height of the pouches.
  13. With all this time at home I have made a lot of progress. I was hoping to get some feedback regarding armor placement in case I need to shift anything, I think I might need to make shorter pouches or do I just need to move the chest armor/Belt? I apologize for the photo not being completely straight on, I was alone trying to take them on a timer.
  14. Oh thank you for the reminder. I hadn't thought about that! 😳
  15. @BikerScout007 Good idea, I will throw on my under suit and vest and test it out.
  16. Alright, just in time to be locked down inside, my armor has arrived! Earlier than I was expecting. I have finished the straps for the arm pieces, but I wanted to get some feed back regarding the position of the chest armor before I made the terrifying first cuts. Please let me know if this looks ok! Thank you for all the help!
  17. My order has officially been placed to Studio Creations for the Trimmed Armor and Helmet kit. Getting antsy to getting started on the hard armor! 😀
  18. Finished most of the flight suit modifications, just need to add the butt flap (I ran out of suede redoing the patches). But other than that it's now just a waiting game until I can order my armor.
  19. For photos, I've been posting mine to Imgur and then copying the BBCode into my posts for each photo.
  20. I'm about done with the riding patches (not the butt flap yet) but I'm concerned about the angle in the top of the patches. Should the corners be rounder to match closer with the reference photos?
  21. I haven't seen this model of speeder on the Garage thread yet 😉
  22. I wouldn't trade it, but sometimes he gets very interested in biting ththe thread as it comes off the spool, which isnt ideal haha.
  23. Working on finishing the under suit mods. I will follow up with photos when i have them. Its been kind of slow going with this helper trying to get involved any chance he can.
  24. Mostly finished the Flak vest, just need to sew on the 2" black velcro (it's pinned in the photo). Used the T-shirt method and learned that stretchy fabrics are a lot harder to work with the duck cloth! Once I finish the hard armor I will make the final adjustments to the sleeve length. Hopefully work pays out our bonuses in February so I can put in my order for armor! As always please let me know if something looks like it needs fixing!!
  25. Per @BikerScout007 suggestion I have remade a wider cod piece!
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