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501st Pathfinder
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Maxall last won the day on July 3 2021

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About Maxall

  • Birthday March 31

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    Washington, DC

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  1. Julie, That's awesome. If the forums don't have a file section, here's a link to a folder on my Google Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DC0HbSCp6uCCFQs1OCbMxRRBX9e5Waty?usp=share_link Thanks!! Dave
  2. I dig it. I need to do something similar
  3. I've got the 501st Loops and a TRamp. Looking for more. Figured if there was one, someone here would know about it Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  4. I've got the Endor Biker scout sound Loop. It's kinda meh using it with my Mando TB. Didn't know if anyone put together a remnant trooper sound loop. Dave Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. There's a difference between the knees on the Mandalorian scout and the ROTJ scout, right? ROTJ has a second strap attached with rivets, where ours doesn't. At least that's what I see in the CRL pictures.
  6. Higher levels of approval are higher levels of detail, right? Things that I think we could do for the higher levels of approval: Lock down the tank stripes and rank stripes to what is seen on the show Use the ribbed elastic with the same pattern as what is on screen Tank construction to be the same as on the show (no rivet, etc.) We could try to closer match the colors used on the weathering. Boot tread as well. But these could be going over the deep end. Is there a difference in the EC-17s from the Mandalorian and ROTJ?
  7. Dakari, There's a tailor in town that I use for all of my soft parts work. She does some amazing work. I just wrapped the it around my waist and we just played with the tightness and what not until it kinda fit right. She marked the locations of the velcro and then sewed it in place. My problem was having the bottom a little relaxed so that I could sit in it. Keeping the top tight so that it didn't gap too much. Just a lot of trial and error. Nothing too fancy. Dave
  8. TB-71576 Reporting for Duty! Thank you all for your help, I really appreciated it https://imgur.com/RzVDE1Q
  9. Finally finished weathering my hard parts. Weathering Armor Mostly done with the soft parts. On to assembly!
  10. How does this look for "heavy desert weathering"?
  11. First coat of weathering is done. Going to build up where the paint has collected with a couple of more colors. The chest hasn't been painted yet.
  12. Made some progress this weekend... Next is to string the belt boxes, hot glue the visor and weather.
  13. I'm not going to lie. Between the Biker Scouts in Mandalorian and Tales from the 501st: Checkpoint, I've really enjoyed what I call the "Knucklehead" Biker Scouts. Got my armor parts in from SC today. Planning on working on assembling it and the helmet this weekend. Soft parts and boots were ordered from Imperial Boots. They should be here in another few weeks. Then it's time to weather the parts. I've got a plan to tackle that
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