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501st Legion (RET)
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About SeanTX

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    Sean Christopher

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    Sean Thomas
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison

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  1. I don't remember. It might have been too boxy or not boxy enough. They definitely have the information over at whitearmor.net Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks that is definitely what I was hunting for. I since bought a strider suit. [emoji106] Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  3. It just wasn't up to their standards to be the perfect shape. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  4. The Mando has just gotten it's crl approved so read that. And the build threads that got the crl approved are still active. Go scour those for sure. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  5. Have yall noticed this listing? I see some errors but more options. https://www.ebay.com/itm/P37-8-Mandalorian-Imperial-Trooper-Speeder-bike-Webbing-satchel-smaller-Canvas/303549881255?hash=item46acfb9ba7:g:vLoAAOSw8dJeQkqX
  6. Well I ordered the P37s from Australia cause the price was too good not to try. They are made in India and not Australia as per the tag. And smell terrible. But more importantly the straps on the back are wrong. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks @BikerScout007 . I figured it might just come down to trimming bit thank you for assuring me it wasn't going to be a $100 mistake. Buy once Cry once is a pretty good philosophy sometimes. I've also seen a lot of "Will this helmet fit" questions and the answer always seems to be yes. since this is again a mostly soft parts kit are all the armor sets forgiving enough for all size people? Excluding children. And no suit is better for those of us greater than 6 feet?
  8. So I've read this a couple times so I'm sorry if I missed it. The comparison photos are excellent. But is there a break down of what mods or problems are associated with each armor? For Instance coming from the TK world I got Trooper Master armor cause it was what I first found available (which I love) But it was too late and took a lot of digging to learn the breast plate wasn't approvable for Centurion. So I guess a better way of saying is there a scale or notes on each armor which requires the least modification to make Lancer?
  9. OK cool so its like a TK underneath. I can definitely get behind that.
  10. Cool. I figured it was an honest "approved" stamp since they are on the approved vendor list. I just figured whoever worked with them might jump in at any moment and tell us how awesome they are And since there aren't many pictures of the gloves or sold separately. I'd jump on it now if I knew they weren't white leather glued on work boots.
  11. Thats what I figured.
  12. "We made the design under advices of the Pathfinders Staff" Do we know who that was?
  13. What does extinted mean?
  14. I'm considering them too. Is it known if they are a stand alone boot or if they are white leather glued on to a donor boot like the screen accurate ones? I'd like a screen accurate for approval but also a non home made version for fear free trooping.
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