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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by FettForever

  1. Finally finished, approval pics submitted. Excuse the lovely backdrop, in the middle of an addition to our home. Drop box on the back belt cover is missing it’s bottom half I am aware : ) it’s on the fix list. Also going to add some foam inside the shins to cut down on spin and the same foe forearms, likely also do some small Velcro spots to help maintain proper position of the shins and forearms in addition to the internal foam. Overall happy with the results. Will add the pair of small indents below each of the shoulder strap insertion points in the coming days as well. Might add a bit more padding in the top of the helmet to get it to sit just a bit higher, even with my fairly long neck felt some head positions were being stopped by the helmet hitting the collar. Will need to wear this one a few more times to get my range of motion figured out.
  2. Ok, finally have some time to get back to it. About to order my Kittell belt and have a question about where the ab section/belt tabs should rest on me as it changes the measurement. Above hip bones or down around them? I’m 5’11’’ and thin/athletic build, when I have this section around me I just am not sure how low it should ride... should I be able to do a legit bend at the waist or should the piece be low enough to make that kind of bend hard? In the pics my hand indicates where my hip bones/bend point is. Also, I would love to see how people have been doing their internal strapping and rigging, it’s a part of this I’m having a hard time finding pics of in people’s build pages, seems to be skipped often. not as much out there as on the TK. thanks in advance for any reply!
  3. Thanks so much for this initial feedback! As I go through the build I will put up shots of each step I’m about to undertake and make sure I’m on the right path. Can’t wait to get this thing ready for approval. First direct question, I removed the initial visor that was installed (it was the one aspect of the initial build that I definitely needed to replace) and now I’m looking for a replacement. I see that some use a motorcycle shield that has a bit of a curve to it and bit of a bubble look and cut that down to put inside and I’m pretty sure that my helmet won’t fit the very nice custom visor that the one gentleman on Facebook makes as my helmet has the second black tears built in. Curious what direction I should take?
  4. Hello All! I am the lucky new owner of a fairly far along Shoretrooper Captain kit. The work that has been done on it is very well done. I've already got an Anovos TK and a Jimi Deathtrooper under my belt, both of which I did without any sort of online documentation of the process. I figured on this third build (or what's left of it to do at least) I would try to document my process. I must admit though that the main motivation for doing this is to get some much needed help along the way. I've been told that this kit was a "Project Sandstorm" kit which I believe makes it a very early Imperial Surplus kit. Not sure if helmet is from same run. This first post will really be more of a fact finding one, looking for information to confirm its origin as well as identify anything that is noticeable right off the bat as needing to be modified or changed. I do not have access to any of the original paint that was used. End goal is of course to get this rig all strapped up and troop-able. Many of the detailed build threads here that I've been digging through are either incomplete/abandoned or simply no longer have any images that function. The information just feels much more fractured than in my compiling of info for my previous TK and death trooper builds and I've found it much more difficult to find a cohesive punch list of what is the proper way to finish this build. I thank anyone who can help me along the way here in this thread or direct me to the proper threads. What follows are images of the kit in its current state, I've tried to show as much of it as I though would be useful to help identify it and find any areas of issue. I have some legit Orca Bays on the way from a fellow member who parted with their shore and still had the boots. The weapon will also be handled a bit later. Thanks Again!
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