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Everything posted by Buffs92

  1. This picture speaks volumes about the pouches. Take a chest piece that is too long. Now slouch on top of a speeder bike, and all of a sudden the pouches are all in the way and bunched up. So, what does the actor do? Jam em down and out of the way, resulting in what you see in the other pics when he's standing. As I've just begun to venture into starting a TD, the length of the various chest pieces available has stood out the most to me. I really want to focus on the nice, short, tight look of the screen version. It seems to me that it affects the rest of the look down through the cummerbund to the belt.
  2. Weren't there a bunch of 501st on set for this? Has anyone tried reaching out to them for some thoughts on what they may have seen regarding costuming decisions?
  3. Outstanding thread and feedback. Just had my 50th bday yesterday and the family all also did the "chip-in" and told me to use it to get my first armor started. This is exactly what I needed. Now need to help my 19 yo daughter get her ESB Boba Fett going...she decided to go much more complicated than me.
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