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    san antonio texas

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  1. Thank you and it’s because I didn’t have Enough and infill and top layers it’s not that big of a deal for me I’m going to smooth it out with with filler putty and I look forward to your build
  2. small update to the costume here is the start to my EC-17 Blaster
  3. I would get a bigger nozzle for faster printing
  4. hello first off thank you and what 3d printer do you have. if you can i would switch to a 1mm nozzle it will make the prints go faster
  5. idk if i'm going to have a a problem getting approved. the new armor for the new movies was 3d printed then cast others. That and if it has to be cast or vaccuformed, then I will have a blank then I guess. lol the most I can say is to ask someone in your local garrison.
  6. that would be grate i just need to finish my suite now lol
  7. any time and i just moved from Houston last year
  8. so i got mine from the guy in thingivers you have to email him he is a 501st member and what part of Texas are you in I'm in San Antonio and i plan on coating mine in resin so they should not warp
  9. that"s good I would build a enclosure for mine but i live in Texas and %90 of the year i don"t need it lol
  10. Do you use brims at all and I would try glue stick if you haven’t already and what is the temp of the room you are printing in you might need a enclosure.
  11. I'm using pla and i might switch to petg just for the chest and back but idk yet and I'm printing with a CR-10 with glue stick and a 1mm nozzle and haven't had any major issues yet.
  12. thank you and I'm about 1/4 of the way with the printing but unfortunately I have to whate tell i get more filament and I'm kinda worried about some of the fitment lol but nothing a heat gun cant fix lol
  13. thank you its actually really easy to do and that was really fun way to spend 60 hours lol
  14. I under stand that I have bean 3D printing for about 3 or 4 years now and I use Simplify 3-D for every thing and mesh-mixer is a life saver I like to put holes so I can line it up with dowel rods. This is the last print that I finished
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