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About Tb5628

  • Birthday 12/07/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Colorado Springs, CO

501st Information

  • Name
    William G Peterson
  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison

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  1. I also used these and they worked well.
  2. For stitching the boots, it specifically says to fold the vinyl at the top of the boot and stitch. Do you also fold the edges under the velcro?
  3. Did you end up getting this boots on Amazon? If so, what was your final opinion once you got them in hand?
  4. I looked at these during my search. How did you work with that extra lip above the base of the sole? Is that where you had your vinyl go to? Or did you cut it flush for the two different sole layers?
  5. @OnkelPaschulke thanks for sharing your old post! Not only for the boots, but I thought it was a great reference for everything else you worked on.
  6. I know this post is a little old (I deleted the boot pic to save space on the response. @OnkelPaschulke never actually told us what the boot was his wife found. Do you remember what brand or style these were? The Kingshow boots available these days are either not in my size or are the two tone soles. Looking for alternatives that others have use.
  7. Thanks for confirming!
  8. I just bought a new pair of thigh boxes from Studio Creations. When I got them in the mail I was surprised to find the top side was curved to match the contour of your thigh. Is this acceptable? I was just used to my old thigh box having a straight top. See my image for reference.
  9. Trooperbay decal? What is that?
  10. What does everyone use for their chest decal rectangle? An actual decal, some type of sticker? Does anyone paint it on? Need to replace me decal and looking at what current optuons are.
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