I'd thought I'd bring this up, to help find out which variation is which, and to help see the major differences. In the game, there are four classes, Assault, Heavy, Officer and Specialist. For the Kashyyyk trooper, all these have slightly different markings. (Main photos taken from the Battlefront-2 Wiki)
Heavy: Differences (Compared to Assault) : Outer Visor is Green, Wide Green Stripes on Upper Arms,Chest is Colored Green, Tank is Colored Green, Shin and Shoe Armour Painted Green, Tank Topper is white
Officer: Differences: Cheeks are Green, Wide Green Stripes on Upper Arms, Helmet Painted Green (Minus a stripe of the "Original" Camo), Outer Visor is Green, Tank Topper is White, "T" Symbol on Chest
Specialist: Differences: Wide Green Stripe ONLY on Shoulder Bells, Outer Visor is Green, Tank Topper is white, Rectangular Symbols on Chest
I was also wondering, how may these become part of a CRL? I think they would likely be considered variations of the the Battlefront Kashyyyk trooper, if created. I'll keep looking for more. Feel free to post any differences you have spotted as well. Thanks for the read!