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501st Pathfinder
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About Temple55

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Thank you! I'll be sure to post for detachment access right away.
  2. Good news! I received the approval from my GML yesterday. I am officially a Pathfinder.
  3. I just purchased this kit and assembled it not too long ago. There's a lot of touch up work that needs to be done, as you can see in the pics below. The size of it seems to be in line with the measurements on the blaster comparison thread, as this kit measures 8 inches long
  4. I'll try that.
  5. What I'm struggling most with is keeping the clips open enough to slip over my belt. They have a lot more resistance to them than I thought, so it's really hard to slip over the belt, with my hands behind my back. I'm hoping to have the last few adjustments done before this weekend. Here's to hoping!
  6. Front and back of the patches, as they are hard to see on the pics I posted above.
  7. I still can't attach the TD right on my own, so I had to take the pic separately, just to show it for now.
  8. Posting some preliminary pictures, with just about everything done. I at least now know some form fitting adjustments I still need to make. Also, what's a good way to fill out the pouches? I had tried using some empty CD cases, but they were too heavy and kept dragging the 'bund down.
  9. Yeah, I hit the zipper once, which didn't break the needle, but caused it to misalign, so that it kept hitting the bobbin case. it took me a good 45 minutes to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. I tried on the suit today and in the natural light I can see that the riding patches are a bit misaligned. So I will be fixing that while also adding the elastic bands. Once that is done, I just need to fix on some velcro to hold various parts of the armor in place and then clean up the blaster. I hope to get some preliminary pics within the next day or two to post up here, before taking my photos for submission.
  10. Several hours and many swear words later, I finished the patches and flap today. Funnily enough, the leg seam was the easiest part. And I forgot the elastic bands like a fool. So, that's a go back for tomorrow. But all in all, I'm glad it's done. Just have a handful of touchups and the blaster to go and I should be ready to submit for approval.
  11. Thanks! That gives me some guidance for sure.
  12. I'm not very good at sewing in general. Working on this costume had me using a sewing machine for the first time ever. I don't really know how to go about it. Is a straight edge seam enough or should there be more to it? Also, does the whole leg need to be opened or just a portion of it?
  13. I also have the flak vest and codpiece pretty much done. Just need to make the collar on the vest look neat and proper. p
  14. Well, I am just about reaching the end and the part I have dreaded most. The riding patches. Currently have them cut out and will try to tackle the task of sewing them on tomorrow. Still not sure what the best way to go about that is though. I feel like if I seam rip the legs open, I may not be able to get them closed correctly again.
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